Governor Ododo, Unity And Development, Cultural Festivals, Ekinrin Adde Day

Governor Ododo Calls For Unity And Development Through Cultural Festivals At Ekinrin Adde Day

At the colorful Ekinrin Adde Day and annual cultural festival in Ijumu Local Government Area, Governor Ododo of Kogi State urged traditional rulers to embrace cultural festivals as a means to foster unity and drive development.

The Governor, represented by his Deputy, Comrade Joel Salifu, emphasized the importance of showcasing rich heritages and values through cultural events to promote unity among the people, which is essential for the progress of the state. Governor Ododo commended the people of Ekinrin Adde for their unwavering support during the last election, which contributed to his victory. He highlighted the existing unity among the people of the kingdom and encouraged the festival organizers to use the platform to gather all sons and daughters of the area, both locally and abroad, to achieve sustainable growth and development.

Governor Ododo, Unity And Development, Cultural Festivals, Ekinrin Adde Day

Governor Ododo stressed that his administration is focused on the overall development of Kogi State, irrespective of tribal affiliations. He cautioned against using tribal agendas for personal interests and urged everyone to work towards the common goal of progress and unity within the state.

The Governor assured the people that Ijumu Local Government is not neglected in his development plans and praised Hon James Abiodun Faleke for his consistent support of his people, describing him as a true leader. He also lauded traditional rulers, youth, and women for hosting the festival that showcased their rich cultural heritage and values.


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The event saw the presence of top government officials, including the Speaker of the Kogi State House of Assembly, the State Security Adviser, the Rector of Kogi State Polytechnic, as well as traditional rulers, citizens of the kingdom, and their well-wishers. Governor Ododo requested the people to consider him as a son of Ijumu land and expressed gratitude for their warm reception.

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