After much has been said, analyzed, and discovered. Suffices you to know that there are beautiful policies on paper and the table, that are not put into action and on the ground.

Femi Omoga Mandate is not mere paperwork to manipulate and influence people but seeks the voice to be heard and the chance to direct the people to stardom and greatness. Through acting upon policies such as this:

  1. Political equality for all.
  2. Diversifying the Economy.
  3. Safe and secure environment.
  4. Respect for human rights and institutions.
  5. Social and cultural development.
  6. Promote innovative, creative and professional skills.
  7. Youths and women inclusiveness in governance.
  8. Promoting individual and cooperative businesses.
  9. Attracting investors and creating Business friendly environment and policies.
  10. Prioritizing infrastructural development and human empowerments.

  As beautiful as this sounds, one might not see the light of the day, if no unity of purpose would override personal ambitions. This is more than the interest it's a Clarion call to serve our fatherland where justice and peace shall reign and on the other hand an increase in the standard of human living conditions and developments.

Hon Femi Omoga for Kabba/Bunu local government chairman

Akinfan media

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