Says Those Trying to Claim Restoration Glory Are After Political Gains

“Then God said, Let there be light, and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness” – Genesis 1:3-25. This Bible quote is akin to what Iluke Community in Kabba-Bunu LGA experienced yesterday where light was restored after fourteen years of darkness. The community has been without light for such an unbelievable years but through the efforts of Olayinka Briamoh, the Action Alliance candidate in the November 11 election in Kogi State, the light was restored back yesterday and the whole community went agog.

Speaking at Iluke community yesterday, Chief David Eseyin said “It is about fourteen years that we’ve not had light until yesterday and we are very happy about this development”. Also, Chief Mosunmola Adegoke, a community leader said, “We’ve not had light for about fourteen years until yesterday when we saw light. We commend Hon Olayinka Briamoh for his intervention”

On his part, Braimoh said “Upon enquiries, I realised they’ve not had power for about fourteen years and all we did was to see what we could do to assist to restore power to Iluke and other communities around after about fourteen years of darkness which by the grace of God, they had yesterday

“Beyond politics, what we’ve been doing across communities is to see what we can do to help our people

“Controversy as to who facilitated the restoration of power to the communities is a mere political talk because the communities have been out of power for about fourteen years and the same people have not been able to do anything for them until Olayinka Briamoh intervention came in and then, suddenly, everybody is trying to take the glory for it. We are just trying to follow the scripture which says when your right hands gives, the left shouldn’t know

“You can be rest assured, with our STAT Agenda, basic infrastructure is a must”

Other communities that benefited from the light restoration are Ayegunle Gbede, Iluafon, Idoyi, Illah, Otafun and Ahara

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