Happy Isese Day to all Yoruba sons & daughters across religions & faiths.
- He/she that was born and the placenta was buried inside soil is a product of Isese because no other religion/culture made placenta rite compulsory except Yoruba traditional religion and value.
- Any Yoruba whose naming ceremony as a baby was done with Iyo, Oyin, Omi, Atawewe, adun, Epo pupa, (salt, honey, alligator pepper, palmoil) and had a taste of each ingredient is a product of Isese. Only Yoruba tradition recognizes these ingredients and makes them compulsory .during naming ceremony to be used to bless “isure” the new born. Each ingredient has its traditional significance /Isese interpretation as a prayer point/spiritual contact for the child. No matter where the naming ceremony is taking place, be it at home, mosque, church or Ijo Orunmila,, the moment you use any or all of these ingredients, you are an Isese person or product of Isese.
- Any Yoruba who has his/her traditional wedding done with the provision of yam, palnwine, hot drinks like schnapps, ogogoro, goat, Kolanuts, bitter Kola, palmoil, is a product and associate of Isese cultural values. No other religion in Nigeria recommends this rite.
- If you ever had spiritual “Gbenren” on your body (body incision) for spiritual healing & protection) done on you by Babalawo, Onisegun, Adahunse, Alfa or Woli, my friend you are a product of Isese no matter your religion
So let us all celebrate Isese like we celebrate other festivals of Muslims and Christians. Even if the celebration is symbolism and a remembrance of our traditional root and life trajectory from our ancestors days.
Once again, kudos to all governors in Yoruba states, past and present who have declared Isese Day as public holiday. The next stage now is to have Isese National Public Holiday. Some religious fundamentalists may oppose it but it’s a done deal already, it’s a matter of time. “Ko si bi Obo se se ori ti Inaki ko se” ie,
All religions and citizens are equal and must be treated equally and fairly.
Isese a gbe wa oooo. Asee. Ise La gba.
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