YouTube Bans All Conspiracy Theory Videos Claiming 5G Causes Coronavirus

YouTube has made the decision to ban all conspiracy theory videos that falsely claim ‘5G causes coronavirus ’.

Despite having absolutely no science to back it up, the conspiracy theory has gained popularity over the past week, with several celebrities even endorsing the claims as reported by The Mirror.

This decision is a result of a live-streamed interview with conspiracy theorist David Icke, in which he falsely claimed there is a ‘link between 5G and this health crisis.’

During the interview, Icke was asked what he thought about recent reports of 5G masts being vandalised in England, he replies:

If 5G continues and reaches where they want to take it, human life as we know it is over… so people have to make a decision.

The interview was watched by 65,000 people, many of who called for further attacks on 5G towers.

Following the Livestream, the BBC contacted YouTube to ask for the video to be removed.

In response. a Youtube spokesperson replied:

Any content that disputes the existence or transmission of Covid-19, as described by the WHO [World Health Organization] and local health authorities is in violation of YouTube policies. This includes conspiracy theories that claim that the symptoms are caused by 5G.

The claim that there is a relationship between the novel Coronavirus and SG has been debunked by fact-checkers and some scientists.

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