questions to know before marriage – GBAMSBLOG NEWS

When do you feel the most protected and taken care of?

What can I do to make sure you feel safe with me?

When we hang out with friends, do I make you feel like you’re still my priority?

When we are with my family, do I make you feel like you’re still my priority?

Do you have any deal-breakers, things that would make you seriously reconsider our relationship?

What was the very first thing you thought about me?

When did you first think I was attractive?

How long do you think people should wait before having kids?

What did you learn about marriage from your parents?

What did you learn about physical affection from your parents?

What is your favorite book?

What is your favorite song?

What do you want to do when you retire?

What’s your favorite physical feature of your own?

Who was your favorite teacher when you were a child?

What’s your favorite memory with your mom?

What’s your favorite memory with your dad?

Which significant other before me had the biggest impact on you?

What did you think after your first sexual experience?

Did you like high school or college better?

Where have you always wanted to travel?

Did you ever consider a totally different career path?

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