History is replete with great men and women who had great visions but these visions never saw the light of the day, there was never a conscious and deliberate attempt backed with a workable plan to achieve those very lofty visions, sadly, such visions became mere academic papers. 
Engr. JOSEPH OLUSEGUN STEPHEN  is a man who’s well grounded in history, he’s not unaware of the fact that history is meant to be learnt from, that history is a guide and our best teacher if only we must do things differently and achieve laudable success. It is this consciousness that has continued to drive his every moves which has seen him excel in all he does even beyond his own expectations. 
As the 2023 general elections draw nearer with each passing day, Engr. JOS gives us seasons why he’s the best man for the job, it’s therefore not a surprise he’s billed to have a political talk with Amidat, tagged “Real Talk With Amidat.” 
This is perhaps the first of its kind in recent times for any aspirants vying for election as a member to represent Kogi west  .
Expectedly, Engr. JOS will be taking us through the journey so far and his mega plans and workable ways on how to achieve all that he’s set out to achieve in office when elected to put kogi west  in the part of greatness which poor representations over the years have denied her, a very sad reality that needs a performer like Engr. JOS  to turn around positively. 
So, all The good people of kogi west both home and abroad are enjoined to make Engr JOS there  pathway to making Kogi west S Great Again and why we must get it right in 2023 or continue to be victims of poor representation. 
A lazy workman they say quarrels with his tools, Engr. Joseph isn’t the type that gives excuses for failure, he has what it takes to transform Kogi west  to an enviable constituency, this is not a rocket science, all we need do is to give him our mandate and he will deliver by God’s grace come 2023.
A Youthful and Useful JOS  is possible come 2023, let’s get it done.
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