Kabba Bunu LG Chairman Halts Alleged Extortion by NIMC, Promises Free National Identity Card Exercise

Kabba Bunu LG Chairman Halts Alleged Extortion by NIMC, Promises Free National Identity Card Exercise

In a bid to address concerns over alleged extortion, Barr. Zacchaeus Dare Michael, the Caretaker Chairman of Kabba Bunu Local Government Area (LGA), has issued a directive to stop what he termed as unjust fees imposed by the National Identity Management Company (NIMC). The decision comes after a meeting between Barr. Dare and Idowu Akinyele, the Supervisor of NIMC in Kabba Bunu LGA.

During the meeting, Barr. Dare expressed his commitment to ensuring a completely free process for obtaining and accessing National Identity Cards for the local indigenes. He pledged his support to NIMC in Kabba Bunu LGA, vowing to assist with logistics as soon as he fully settles into office.

Kabba Bunu Caretaker Chairman Makes Fresh Appointments

Barr. Zacchaeus Dare Michael, the Caretaker Chairman of Kabba Bunu Local Government

The Chairman vehemently criticized the alleged practice of charging citizens N2500 for the National Identity Card exercise, deeming it unacceptable. However, acknowledging the NIMC official’s explanation of logistical challenges, Barr. Dare conceded to a temporary fee of N500 until proper support is provided.

Emphasizing the importance of transparency, Barr. Dare urged citizens to report any instances of NIMC demanding the disputed N2500 fee directly to his office. He underscored the need for a fair and accessible process, assuring residents that steps would be taken to rectify the situation.

It is worth noting that the NIMC Supervisor in Kabba Bunu LGA refuted claims of extortion, clarifying that the N500 charge was implemented to cover expenses related to printing, generator fueling, and other essential support required for the National Identity Card issuance. The Supervisor attributed the fee to a temporary measure prompted by the lack of certain materials and logistical challenges. As the community awaits further developments, Barr. Dare’s intervention signals a commitment to fostering a transparent and equitable National Identity Card registration process in Kabba Bunu LGA.

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