…..We have made significant progress, despite all odds 

As the confluence state clock’s 31 remarkable years today, the Honourable Commissioner of Finance,Budget and Economic Planning,Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris, FCA has expressed his heartfelt felicitation to Governor Yahaya Bello and Kogites at large on these commendable milestones of over three(3) decades of creation, saying as a state, we have made significant progress, despite all odds.

Asiwaju recounted the creation of the state on the 27th August 1991 by the administration of President Ibrahim Babangida from the Eastern Kwara and Western Benue state. The coming together was a dream fulfilled because its a coming together of people with shared history and a land blessed with abundance of human and natural resources. The progress we have made, although mildly appreciable, but far below expectations and plans of our forebears.

The Honourable Commissioner notes that Kogi state from creation has what it takes in terms of natural and human resources to witness rapid socio-economic development that will make the state a leading light amongst the sub-nationals, but succesive leadership could not match up the progressive demands required. Although, we had a promising foundation laid, pre and beginning of the 4th republic by the Late Alhaji Abubakar Audu of blessed memories, but the continuity chain of sustainable development was ruined by maladministration and misgovernance.

Today, with Governor Yahaya Bello at the helms of affairs, the gory and unimpressive days, that has taken the state aback is getting a rapt attention and the impact is empirically evident across all sectors. The forgoing has further buttress the fact that no society grows above the kind of leadership it installs, which invariably means that the transformative change we have witnessed in Kogi is a direct euphemism to the midas touch of Governor Yahaya Bello in the confluence state, Asiwaju stated.

In his statement, ” Kogi state, under Governor Yahaya Bello is now one of the safest state, despite being bordered by 10 other states, saying such exceptional feat is rare and it has helped in no small measure to improve the economic growth and atmosphere for investment. The state has become a construction hub of sort with many roads and Ganaja over head bridge ongoing, Health and Education sector is also receiving a premium attention as they formed a cardinal policy thrust of the New Direction blueprint. We now have the biggest rice mill in the North Central under the state Agriculture revolution, which tends to harness the agricultural value chain to create wealth and empower our youths and women”.

Mukadam said, as the Honourable Commissioner in charge of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, we now have a sound Fiscal outlook that’s far from the battered image of the past, brillaint financial reforms, realisable budgeting system and  workable Economic policies& planning that perfectly aides economic diversification and investment drive. For the records, Our first position as a state in world Bank Budget and financial indicators rating further validates Governor Yahaya as a financial expert himself and his commendable milestones.

“We now have a new dawn in Kogi state,  because the hitherto acute division along religious, tribal, creed and political line has been dymstified by the unifier and Bridge builder himself in his six years at the seat of power. It’s truism, that leadership determines the fall or rise of any state. The geometric rise of Kogi state is premised on the purposeful and excellent leadership style of our Governor”.

On these auspicious day, I delightfully celebrate with the Grand Architect of New Kogi state, Governor Yahaya Bello for engendering impactful developmental strides in his six years, which makes the 31 years of creation worthy celebrating today. We now have a state capital that’s declared as one of the fastest growing cities according to the World Economic Forum, invariably, it’s an attestation to the productive and proactive leadership we have in place.

He prays that God Almighty will grant Governor Yahaya Bello the Grace, Wisdom, strength and wherewithal to pilot the state to a greater height as envisaged and also launch him to a higher level of service to replicate his uncommon leadership traits for National Unity and cohesion, Peaceful coexistence and Economic boom for the wellbeing and welfare of Nigerians.

Once again, congratulations to His Excellency for these remarkable milestone in the annals of the confluence state.

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