DR. BOLUFEMI ROTIMI is an accomplished Industrialist who has gained enough experience to govern Kogi State. Therefore, we stand and support his gubernatorial aspirations based on his industrial experience.

DR. BOLUFEMI ROTIMI believes that no State can develop without the cooperation of every segment of the society. Thus, he is at the forefront of the state canvassing for harmonious and peaceful coexistence of the different segments of the society irrespective of political and religious diversity hence we support his aspiration as governor of Kogi State.

DR. BOLUFEMI ROTIMI believes in wealth creation. To this end, he will factor on his ability to create wealth for Kogites by tapping into the  mining segment of  the economy. This he will do by tilling the ground to bring out the *gold* to develop Kogi State. To this end, we support his aspiration to govern Kogi State.

Dr. Bolufemi Rotimihas a dream of raising the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR). The anticipated increased IGR is what he shall rely on to empower the women and give the youth gainful employment. This is why we believe and support the aspiration of Dr. Bolu for the occupation of the Lugard House in 2024.

Dr. Bolufemi  has a good dream and a great vision for Kogi State. Come and let us join hands together to embrace this leader who has used his personal financial resources in no small way to impact the lives of many Kogite’s.

Dr. Bolufemi for Governor

Dr. Bolufemi for Development of Kogi State.


OMONISAYE, Bank-Andrew

Director, Media & Publicity.

Bolu 2023 Governorship Campaign Organization.


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