Health benefits of tree of life also known as Dogo Yarow.

1) Cardiac Problems: Infusions of leaves in HOT water when taken removes bad sugars and toxins from blood, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and balances heart pumping rates

2) High Blood Pressure: It relaxes erratic heart beats and balances blood pressure.  Research shows that the intravenous administration of neem leaf alcohol extract significantly deduces blood pressure

3) Eczema : Dried leaves are burnt on red hot charcoal and cover to cure eczema 

4)  Pesticides/Insecticide: Pound a few handful of seeds, add water, mash and filter out solution with a clean sieve. Use to spray your crops.

5)  Cancers: Leaves are rich in antioxidants. They help prevent cancers and also use against developing cancers. 

6) Beautiful & Glowing Skin: Regular use of the paste of need leaves. Nb: Adding tumeric gives better results, and adding Cucumbers makes the results more better. ALWAYS APPLY ON FACE WHEN GOING TO SLEEP. 

7) Skin infections/ Rashes/ Skin dryness: Mash or pound neem leaves and apply green juice on skin. Also use smashed leaves as a skin scrub 

8))Breast, Prostate and all Cancers: Neem leaves detoxify the system, improve immune response, eliminate free radicals and inhibit inflammatory reactions. It destroys cancer cells more especially prostate cancers growth and and inhibits spread.                                   9)Hair Treatment: Boil a handful of neem leaves in a little water and use to wash you hair after shampooing. It’s antifungal, antiparasitic, antibacterial and antiviral properties will help to heal your scalp of dandruff, hair fall problems and from lots of disease.                                       10)  Baldness: Regular application of Mashed leaves on scalp, massaging and allowing for about 30 minutes before washing, will trigger the growth of hair on bald head. Always add a little water on mashed leaves.

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