According to a sage and his saga , sunshine , pure air , exercise , rest , use of potable water and balanced diet , abstemiousness ( abstinence ) and Trust in Divine Power , constitute the eight Natural Laws which govern the human body . People who fall sick have violated in one or more of these eight Natural Laws . 

Lack of proper air ( oxygen ) and physical exercise are the causes of overweight ( obesity ) , hypertension ( high blood pressure ) , stroke , heart attacks ( cardiac arrest , heart failure ) , cancers , skin diseases and nervous breakdown ( disorders ) .

One may eat balanced diet , drink good , potable water , and breathe good , pure air , but if the person does not carry out physical exercise from time to time , the blood cannot circulate well in his or her cells , tissues , organs or systems . The results of poor blood circulation are obesity ( overweight ) , hypertension , heart attacks , constipation , headaches , stroke , etc. The human blood is the life of man ( Leviticus 17:14 ) , and the heart pumps the blood round the body . Therefore , if the heart fails to function , death follows instantly . Hence , proper care should be taken to keep the heart in proper working condition .



 According to medical doctors ‘ reports , about 80 % of the world’s diseases are caused by what we take into our body as food and drinks . Eating harmful foods , drinking excessive alcohol , smoking excessive cigarettes and indulging in bad , harmful habits are the greatest causes of sicknesses and diseases globally today but food alone accounts for about 80 % of these . 

In the Bible Book of Leviticus chapter 17 verse 14 , God warned the Israelites , his people , not to eat blood because the life of every bird and animal ( every animal creature ) is in the blood . We believers ( Christians ) are the new Israelites of today . 

In recent years , scientists all over the world are now shifting their analytical minds and attention to the long forgotten natural remedies that were once relegated to the realm of superstitions , demons and phantoms . Their venturing into the broad field of natural therapeutics that was once left in the hands of the ” layman ” has been yielding fruitful and rewarding results . Researchers , over the years , have shown that regular consumption of coloured foods : vegetables , fruits , nuts , seeds , herbs , etc , are the best means of reducing the risks of many degenerative , coronary heart diseases , diabetes , arthritis , etc. So , eat well to live healthy and long . 

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