Wemi Jones Setting a New Standard for Leadership in Bunu.

Written by Eli Chris

Recently, the social media was flooded with pictures of a Honourable, although it is the season for such in Nigeria as captured by a living legend in the Nigerian Music industry 2Baba which he tittled ‘E BE LIKE SAY’, a song that captures how the elites and political class flood our streets with pictures and dramas during the electioneering season, with a sole aim of deceiving the people to vote them into power again, this man’s picture was in our space for a different reason.



Going through the stories accompaning the pictures from different quarters, I was like ‘Zapadapadap, dapadap dee, no be small thing oh.’

My reaction to the news was unusual  because it is an uncommon occurrence,  when compared to what we are used to in my Motherland Bunu, owing to the fact that for many years, the people of Bunu have  been blessed with Leaders who believe in giving her youths fishes rather than teaching them how to fish.

Like Adebayo Kehinde wrote on one of our social handles, “We don’t keep quiet when our public officials goes wrong. So, it will be unethical for us to keep our eyes away from them whenever they are on the track with the people they represent or serve.”

Celebrating a Leader who has  facilitated multiple employments and project to Bunu is something of pride.

Worthy of note is the fact that Wemi Jones is not even on the ballot for any election in the nearest term. I remember one  elected leader whom is said to be an extra senator in a neighboring state where he has invested heavily, created  employment and improved the means of livelihood in  that state without giving back to his constituency was quoted to have said that he understands what the electorates need and when it is time to seek their votes, he knows his way around it. Well, it worked for him as he found his way back to the seat of power. Don’t ask me how he got there 

But in the case of Wemi Jones, it is different, he contested and lost an election even in his territory, without allowing sentiments to take the day, we choose a candidatewithout playing tiwa n’ tiwa politics, he lost the elections but, luck shone on him and he was appointed the Commissioner for Education by the Kogi State Government.

With this appointment, he is changing the narrative for those we call Leaders, by demonstrating to those at the corridors of power that dolling out cash  to our teaming youths is no longer enough. 

Unlike what we have seen in the past, where politicians only assist or extend goodwill to their followers and party faithfuls, Wemi Jones raised the bar higher by giving back to the society because to him, he is first human, a Bunu man before becoming a Party man. 

His empowerment and employment placement have been based on qualifications not necessarily party loyalty.

Some of the youths, while commending Wemi Jones  described him as nothing but a HUMANITARIAN AND DEVELOPER

“Hon. Wemi Jones Has Written His Name With A Golden Pen In The Chronicle Of Bunu Kingdom, Which Can Never Be Easily Erased- Hon. John Ogede

“Waooooo…. This is highly commendable……. And big thanks to our workaholic Commissioner.”

“Your Name is now a household as far as Bunu is concern sir” OVK

The encomium poured on this illustrious son of our land by the direct beneficiaries and those of us watching from afar reflects the aspirations of our youths who have shown love, support and even faced  victimisation simply because of their loyalty to Bunu leaders. 

Hon Wemi Jones’ believe in building human capital predates his political career as seen in the testimonies of those who have known him in  his days at the  Intercontinental Group. 

He has also done appreciably well by facilitating the siting of a  Model science school, in Okebukun, having a science school in Bunu will definitely be a game changer as this has limited our competitiveness in the labour market and limited us to art and humanities studies.

Most of our youth make do with what is available because we lack access to science education, when completed, the narrative will change and posterity will not forget the Commissioner for Education who was instrumental to delivering the goody bag to generations to come.

Wemi has raised the bar of minimum performance for all politicians and those who have found their ways to the top  of Bunu extraction, he has shown them that the Bunu youths are no longer willing to be used as noise makers and tools for political activities every four years but are readily available for employments, empowerments and sustainable means of livelihood.

As we watch our leaders hold our hands to the top, we are not unaware the challenges they face too and we pray that those genuinely striving to better our lots will be blessed and strengthened to achieve their desires. 

May Wemi Jones happen to us!!!

‘Be e ni Ka bi ni l’ode Aje o ni ka l’owo l’owo. Be si ni ki won bi ni ni’sale Osi, o so pe k’eniyan y’olosi. Ka sa ti t’era m’ose eni.’

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