Barr. Lawrence Makanjuola Olorungbon Makanjuola (CDR. Rtd) has been named as one of the beneficiaries of the prestigious Life-time Achievement Award by the Ekinrin-Adde Community Development Association (EACDA) which will be conferred on him at the annual Ekinrin- Adde day carnival slated to hold on the 24th of June, 2023.

In a statement signed by the National Publicity Secretary of EACDA, the recipient of the Life-time Achievement has made indelible marks not only in his chosen career but has also contributed immensely towards the development of Ekinrin Adde community and humanity at large.

Born on 14th September , Barr. Fabiyi Makanjuola attended Baptist Primary school, Ekinrin Adde where he got his First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC). He proceeded to Baptist High School,Jos and also Baptist High School, Abeokuta where he got his West African School Leaving Certificate.

He attended Nigeria Defense Academy in Kaduna between 1974-1976 before proceeding to Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth, England.

Barr. Fabiyi Makanjuola got his Law Degree at the University of Lagos, Akoka before proceeding to Nigerian Law School, Vi Lagos.

He bagged different academic qualifications that are relevant to his career among which are; General Certificate of Education A Level, Nigeria Defence Academy Certificate Of Education-
Dec. 1971, International Naval Officers Technical Certificate Dec. 1979, International Supply Officers (Logistics) Certificate Mar. 1982,Passed Staff Course (PSC)Jaji Kaduna, Associate Certificate of Institute of Export and petroleum management July, 1992, Final Diploma in Shipping, Export & Petroleum management July-Dec. 1999, B.SC Export & Shipping, Master in Transportation Planning and Management Msc (TPM)Dec. 2008

Barr. Fabiyi belong to different professional bodies. He is a Member of Learned Professional Association, Members of Nigeria Bar Association NBA, Member of Nigeria Institute of Shipping, Member of Nigeria Institute of Export, Member of Nigeria Institute of management.

Some Workshop, Conference, and Seminar he attended includes;
Anatomy Of Shipping Training — Cambridge, England, Africa Regional Conference on Crewing and Manning of Seafarers, Lagos Nigeria,
International Labor Standards and Human Right Programme in Turin, Italy, International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions; meetings in
Geneva, Switzerland, International Maritime Organization (IMO) Conventions; meetings in London, International Conference on Crewing / manning in Nigeria and Uk, Law of the Sea Seminar &Conferences, Public Prosecution and National Development workshops, Peace Keeping seminar /Conferences, Security Conferences and meeting

Service and Administrative Achievements

Barrister Fabiyi held Command and Staff Appointments in the Navy and at Joint Service Level, Supervising and Monitoring the Constructions of the National Strategic Grain Storages in Ogoja, Mina, Bauchi, Akure and Irrua under the Federal Ministry of Agriculture,
Disbursement and Settlement of all disputes arising from the Estate of the late Naval Officers in the ill- Fated NAF -130 Crash at Ejigbo, Lagos, Member Committee on the identifying appropriate existing parastatal to take over the functions of erstwhile Nigeria Shipping Federal (NSF)

Other achievements includes Auditing and Registration of Nigeria Seafarers
Member High —Level Tripartite Working Group on Maritime Labor Standards in Geneva Switzerland. Member Committee on the Implementation of International ship and port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
CEO /Chairman of Larry Mac O Fabiyi Co-Maritime, Import & Export consultant.

Previous positions held includes Assistant Director Procurement (DHQ), Assistant director Navy Legal Services (NHQ), Director Nigeria Navy Legal Services (NHQ), Assist Director Commercial and port operations (NMA), Deputy Director, Lagos Port, Seafarers and Cabotage Services, CEO/Chairman Larry of Mac O Fabiyi & Co (Lawfirm)

Barrister Fabiyi Lawrence Olorugbon Makanjuola is married with lovely children. He is a highly respected Community leader and opinion moulder.

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