😃😃😃😃😃 its  difficult to see a perfect marriage but  every easy to go attend different perfect wedding across the globe, the mistake that many make in marital issues that ” they lack the understanding that marriage can’t be  planned but a life time practice which the qualifications you practice can make or Mar your children “. Wedding can be planned in less than 24 hour, if there are proper financial services provider who are only after seeing the wedding successfully managed. Marriage and wedding are  both important but good marriage is the certificate our children learn from not the planned successful wedding.    
Wedding is meant to show a legal proof marriage but a successful marriage  shows the qualifications of good moral, spiritual, and physical therapy.
Wherever one or two are gathered, there exist one or two ideas also.

David Yongi Cho once affirmed, “where there is a million South Korean, there’s also a million ideas.”

A man wanted to take a kuchen chair out, he bided on his neighbour for assistance.
They spent hours dragging with this chair blocking the door without result, they decided to take a break and rest.
The man languished, “How else should we take this chair out?”
Oh! Exclaimed his neighbour, “I thought we were taking it in!”
Work is applied here without result.
It is called di-vision; double visions.
Good but opposing visions.
It’s good you ask before marriage, “what are you trying to achieve?”

Misunderstanding is normal where two people meet, but could develop into conflict when it’s not properly handled.

Remember, you were not born the same day.
You have different experiences, culture, mindset, and belief system.

Salvation does not change these; unless properly discipled.
You wouldn’t know what people have well set on their mind (mindset) until you get close.

Someone can be a faithful believer but a poor companion.
Mindset is powerful.

While you are enjoying falling in love, it’s good you consider the mindset and beliefs of your lover.
There are many things that can put pressure on love; mindset is one.

You will not have a happy home because you are in love.

Have you ever thought of your TV programmes or favourite movies?
What will happen to it after the honeymoon?
How about you wanting to watch love film, and he wanting to watch war film or football.
Or he might want to be considerate, then go to join friends in the watching centre, leaving you alone with the cold TV remote at home.
The issue now is, who will let go of his favourite TV programme?

Clash of rights or desires might surface here, if not managed.

Compromise remains a powerful word is every successful home.

African culture creates “arrogant” men with “submissive” women.
So in the quest of the femininists to fight and protest against men’s cheuvenistic escapades creates “arogant” women with “irresponsible” men.

The truth remains that even if you turn the head upside down, the head still remains the head.
When the body tries to be the head, you create a monster, not marriage.
The man is the head.

Being the head is not a mere issue of hierarchy, but of job description and peculiarity.
The head is not better than the feet, it’s only about the job at stake, and I counsel the leg to be contented with walking.

Every woman needs a man!
There are days when you’ll need a man to treat you like a baby, but when you loose your “strong” softness, your femininity and woman hood, and succeeded in fighting his masculinity, you lack a strong arm to hold you because you now look more of a colleague.

A man looses his place when his sense of judgement becomes questionable.
When he starts using his rod of power to make destiny-destroying policies, His wife starts questioning his judgement.
You needed to see how many women’s destinies have been ruined by their husband’s poor decisions or indecisiveness.
Including children’s destinies.

A woman takes her salary or profits, brought it for her husband, but squandered it with his poor financial management/intelligence like the prodigal son.
Then she is left contemplating whether to also submit financially.
To the religious, he says he is called or told to start something, months later, he is receiving another different call.
Leaving her wondering who is always calling her husband at her detriment, and left doubting his “thus saith the Lord.”

I think results and consistency are a proofs of your genuity.

A friend once told me, “I want a man who will ask me to close my eyes and follow him and I would, and will not blame him even if we find ourselves in a ditch, because I trust him.
Every woman needs that security.
She wants to relax knowing that her man is in charge.
To your good heart, she also needs good head.
Ability to think well, with no worries.
Learn home management too.

Make her trust you sir!

In addressing di-visions, ability to propose becomes an issue.
The first proposal was the man asking you out, this one is both of you learning how to sell your ideas or views to the other.

When it comes to this, the man seems to be at the advantageous side.
He might seem to have too much authority over the woman, but you cannot underrate the powers of a woman.

There are two major powers of a woman;
1. Words of wisdom.
This is also known as the power of the tongue.
A woman can order the steps of a man and benefit from his authority through this little member called the tongue.
You need to learn the art of communication (this is a very vast one to discuss).
It’s “let’s talk honey” principle.
Beautiful Abigail used this rightly on David.
And also preserved the life of her rich but foolish husband. She learnt by wisdom to live with a fool without a fight.
Micah, David’s wife got this wrong.
Queen Vashti got this wrong wrong too.

2. The art of seduction.
God has endowed the entity called woman with so much aesthetic powers beyond imagination.
She posseses the power to create the mood and atmosphere for discussion.
Although, so many have turned this gift to a tool of manipulation and witchcraft through sexual avatures.
Women like Delilah used it on Samson, Tamar used it on Judah,Herodias daughter used this to take the head of John the Baptist, in modern history; Monica Lewinsky used it on George Bush.
Time would fail me to talk about Jimmy Swaggard, President Mugabe of Mrs. Grace.
Nations have been brought on their feet by the power of a woman.
There’s nothing a woman cannot make a man do at cloud 9.
Some men have been made to seat on the throne, while some have been reduced to a piece of bread by this.

While the man has the authority, the woman has the power of influence.

(I just remembered I wanted to discuss about two reasons for conflict in the last episode!)

Hello, it seems these is getting too much!
What do you think?
God bless you for reading this article. Amen
Please try God first.
G’bams board cast

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