Fellow kogite, if I may ask, what are the senators representing the three (3) senatorial district of this particular geographic location called kogi state doing to make sure that the claimed people they are representing are in a  safe hand.
Yes it is crystal clear, that the so called epidemic is real, nation have short down it daily activities, the world now embarked on compulsory break, peoples daily breads is now been restricted, directive was given to quit all most doing, most profitable activities and businesses. But  our government is yet to state out the modalities that will save the masses to *breakthrough* and not to *breakdown* during the course of this compulsory break.
Senators please go back to your various districts and save life. Provide your peoples with the necessary items that will make them to survive this tribulations. 
Remember, hunger kill faster than disease. Your people interest should be your upmost priority.
Take for instance, if the soul that was lost in Italy is one senatorial district you are representing tell me my distinguished senator who are you going to represent again at the green chamber? Think of it.
Senators do the needful before it is too late.
I so summit my words.
*My opinion my words*
*King of students Federal University lokoja*
*Oluwatallest 2020*
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