By Hon. Dayo Akanmode 
The unfortunate entrance of Covid-19 to the world has brought untold hardship to the entire world. The Virus which caught the nations around globe unawares, has brought the world to its knees, making the powerful powerless and the knowledgeable novice. 
According to the Holy Bible, God used plagues to troubled a Egyptians. This happened in the old testament when the Egypt, the captors of  Israelites were recalcitrant in giving freedom to them after several years in bondage.
 In 1918, history records it that there was an outbreak of virus that took its toll on the whole world leaving many people dead. It is true that the corona virus took the whole world by surprise, leaving many afflicted and dead, but of serious concern to me and many others is the link that is being established between the virus, 666 and 5G. The controversy has been endless as the social media have witnessed unprecedented and endless controversy.
 The question is will the trend of this palpable fear and controversy continue endlessly. What is the origin of Corona Virus? Is it a plague sent to the world as a result of our many iniquities? Is it a biological or chemical weapon unleashed to the world  by an ambitious super power? Is it as a result of endless competition among super powers? Or is it as a result of age long competition and survival of the fittest among the super powers? Or could it be a connivance or mischief to cause massive deaths, unleash sorrow and tears and forcefully reduce the world population? Will the world ever come to the consensus on the true origin of corona virus?
 We were told that some legal actions have been initiated to bring to book those who are behind the origin of the virus. 
On the 666 controversy, and introduction of 5G a lot of messages have flooded the social media on the link between the two. 
While some linked them to the signs that the world is coming to an end  and the Antichrist. 
In the last few days, I’ve had the privilege of listening to some men of God who have dispelled the rumors surrounding all this issues, especially that of Antichrist.
 Prominent men of God including Pastors Matthew Ashimolowo, Sam Adeyemi and Paul Eneche who have traveled far and wide educated and exposed members of the body of Christ have expressed missed reactions to the current debate.
 Pastor Ashimolowo was of the opinion that  there have always been plagues that wiped out many people at particular time in history but did not lead to the destruction of the whole world.
He posited that at some point in history, dictators like Adolph Hitler, Mussolini emerged and did a lot of havoc, caused unimaginable destruction and people easily tagged them as Antichrist, adding that their destruction however did not lead to the end of the world.
On the introduction of the 5G, which is the latest technology in the world, what will be the benefit to the world and Nigeria  in particular? Is it true that it’s a messenger of death? Is it true that it has already been launched in Nigeria with the Minister of Information in attendance? Is there any report on the impact assessment? Are the cables currently been laid as speculated? Many Nigerians have spoken against this technology including Sen. Dino Melaye. Have they been speaking as scientists, IT Experts or from the Information they gathered from the social media? Has the federal government verified all these claims? Is the Federal government ready to setup a committee to verify all this claims and counter claims. 
It is interesting to note that some fingers of  accusation are been pointed to some individuals, Institutions, Corporate Bodies and nations and that legal actions are being taken to unravel their culpability, connivance or otherwise on an issue that has brought the whole world to its knees.
 Finally, will the world come to consensus on this issues? Will the truth be unraveled?
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