As congratulatory messages continues to pour in to the Honourable Minister for Youth and Sports Development, Sunday Akin Dare; Hon. Yahaya Okumoh, an ally of the celebrant who is a former SUBEB and Political Matters aide to Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state has joined in showering encomium on the workaholic minister as he clocks 54 today.
In a statement released to the press by his media office, Okumoh described the minister as a role model and an example of a selfless leader to this generation.
“Honourable minister sir, as you mark your 54th year of existence on earth today, I join others in wishing you a very happy birthday. I am very proud of you and your achievements. He said.”
He added, “you have exhibited uncommon wisdom, remarkable vision, and exemplary leadership. Through your thoughtful leadership, great vision and sincerity, you are having a positive impact on the youths of Nigeria of which I belong to that class of Nigerians inspired by your leadership. I just cannot but celebrate and felicitate with you today.
Okumoh pray that the minister’s life be filled with more strength, wisdom, grace, health and many happy returns.
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