There are two systems of accommodation in the polytechnic; Hostel accommodation and off-campus accommodation. Hostel accommodation is a system of accommodatin located inside the school while off campus hostel are the hostel located in the town, cities that might either be close or far from the polytechnic.
The question which one is the best accommodation system has come to the mind of many students especially the newly admitted students hoping to pick the best choice. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of school hostel.
1. FINANCE: living in the school hostel has limit the spending of many students as hostel fee are mostly affordable compared to renting a room outside the campus. The major reason why students opted for hostel is money as most of them can’t afford 60k 70k rooms outside the campus which left them no other choice than to subscribe for the school hostel perhaps it is good to cut your cloth according to your coat If you don’t have money for renting house outside the school I will advise you to go for the school hostel. Nothing like electricity bill, water bill and others everything in the school hostel is free and this alone will enable you to have savings on Campus.
2. NEARNESS TO SCHOOL: Imagine having lectures by 8 and you woke up around 7:30 it is  very easy to catch up with lectures on time while living in the school hostel than staying off campus. Staying in the school hostel also give you the chance to get latest information.
3. SECURITY:  Living in the school hostel will give you peace of mind with no worries of robbery or an attack on your life and properties unlike living off campus. Arm robber can’t just invade the school hostel like that tho it may happen but it is rare thus living in the school hostel is more safer.
4. BOREDOM:  the school hostel is always lively you have friends to talk to and play with. What if your boyfriend break up with you??  Don’t worry those HOSTELITE will keep your company you won’t even feel anything 😂😂😂. Hostel is always sweet with lot of vibes.
There might be other advantages of the school hostel but the major benefits is what I have explained earlier so what are the disadvantages?? 
1. PRIVACY:  If you are the type of student that love doing things alone and in your  own way, I will advise you to stay away from school hostel. Living in the school hostel will make you loose your privacy as you will be sharing room with others. What if you want to make calls with your partner, family and friends??? You will have to excuse yourself from the room isn’t it? If you want to enjoy your privacy pls stay away from hostel.
2. STEALING: Living  in the school hostel expose your foodstuffs, gadgets for being stolen by hoodlums. People who stay in the school hostel usually lose their properties to theft. Anyway it also depend on the school but no matter how secured the hostel is, if care is not taken you might still loose your valuable properties.
3. DISTURBING RULES AND REGULATIONS : There are too many disturbing and annoying rules and regulations in the school for example male and female are not allowed to visit each other, you may find it difficult to knack your girlfriend in the school hostel especially the ones that have been eating your money 😄 isn’t that annoying??  Electric stove is not allowed?? Don’t do this don’t do that. Imagine if you are living off campus you see this weather for two like this you and your babe will be enjoying each other but for Those living in the hostel it is weather for tea. You can’t bring in friends anyhow etc so I think it is better to stay off campus and enjoy life 
3. Emergency Break:  in every polytechnic in Nigeria there are atimes when emergency break may be announced as a result of which you may be asked to vacate the hostel within 24 hours yes it has happened before in oko poly, Nekede poly, Ede poly and Ado poly and many other schools what if you are from Kano state and schooling in IMO state tell me how will you cope even when you have no money to travel home ?? This is another condition why  hostel may not be the best system of accommodation. 
4. NOISE POLLUTION:  You can’t have peace of mind in the school hostel due to noise pollution from every angle. Majority of Those you find in night class are students living in the school hostel because they Cant cope  reading with noise pollution in the school hostel. .
There is nothing sweet as living alone I believe the major reason why students choose hostel is because of money. Living off-campus is a debit alert zone because you end up spending too much money on transportation, electricity bills, water supply, accommodation, maintainence and others take too much money. I spend close to 3k every week on transportation to school, I choose off campus hostel because that is the best option for me I cherish privacy too much.  There are also disadvantages of Living off campus as you may end up missing classes, attending lectures late, stress and others. 
In Conclusion, Hostel may not be the best system of accommodation but I think it is best you go for what you can afford and what is best for you. Don’t do above yourself besides this polytechnic is just 2years programme infact the programme is not up-to 2years what matters is for you to know your purpose in the polytechnic. However, this write up is to let you know why hostel may not be the option of accommodation and now that you have know the Merit and cons The choice is yours to make. I wish you the best of luck.
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