Help My mom is an addict almost every guy in my street has slept with her

A young man (who doesn’t want to be mentioned) has this lamenting story to share.

I Told My Wife To Get A Dildo For Herself, Only For Her To Return With One Almost Twice The Size Of My ManhΦΦd'— Worried Man Narrates, Seeks Advice 

The 19-year-old who happened to be the first son of the family said his mother has been sleeping with almost every man in the neighborhood.

His story is below;

“Please I want to be hidden. I am 19 and the first son of my single mom, I think my mum is about 40 or so. She has 3 of us and we all live in a one-room self-contain apartment in Lagos while my mum sells in a small shop in a big market.

“I am 19 but I am not blind, I am not too young to notice what my mum is doing. She is so smart that she doesn’t allow any of us to see what she does but I know she is not clean… Everybody on my street is talking about her, even when I walk on the street, people look at me somehow.

“One day I asked some of my male friends on the street what exactly is happening, it was when they opened up to me that they do see my mum in their compounds on several occasions. One of them said even his elder brother has several times sent him out of the house to go and relax outside because my mum came around.

“Since then, I started trailing her movement, and then I realized that they were saying the truth. Almost every guy on our street has slept with my mum, even old men that are close to their graves. It’s so shameful and disgusting.

“The problem now is that I don’t even know how to confront her or who to report her to, we stopped going to church and even stopped visiting family members. Instead, she is making plans for us to move to a Big flat soon and even talking about buying a car.

“My mum is bringing shame to me and making me ashamed of moving around in public. Right now I feel like running away from home and going anywhere to live my life away from her.”

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