Dr Mrs Jagboro Olusola Victoria

2024 Ogidi Day: Provost College of Education Technical, Mopa, Dr. Victoria, donates 20 Solar street lights to Ogidi Community

The Provost, Kogi State College of Education Technical, Mopa Dr. (Mrs) Olushola Victoria Jagboro has donated 20 units of solar panel street lights to the Ogidi community in Ijumu local government area of Kogi State as part of her contributions to the overall development of the community and in honor of His Royal Highness, Oba Rabiu Sule, the Ologidi of Ogidi land.

This was disclosed yesterday during the 2024 Ogidi Day Festival celebration held at Community Hall Grounds, Agegbe, Ogidi , in support of the provost, the Okun extraction staff of the college said the donation was made to support their boss who was the chairperson of the biggest festival in June in Nigeria.

They stressed that the provost has been so good to them hence they are always ready to identify with her on any endeavor she embarks upon which informed their decision to put money together to procure the solar penal to illuminate Ogidi community with solar street lighting.

While acknowledging the positive role the Ologidi has played in the journey of her life, she has adopted him to be her father and in a capacity, she promised to continue to identify with the community as one of them.

He commended the leadership role of the Ogidi Development Union for putting such a wonderful event together which has made the entire global community to reckon with Ogidi when it comes to showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Okunland.
She urged all and sundry to continue to support such initiatives for the overall development of the entire zone.

Responding, Oba R.O Sule commended the Provost for her tenacity to build an institution that have stood the test of time, describing her as one of his daughters in whom he is well pleased.

He noted her consistent contributions to the growth of the community, and used the occasion to appreciate all her efforts particularly, the solar street lights donation, praying that God will continue to protect, guide and bless her and her family.
Dr. Victoria Jagboroโ€™s generous donation of 20 solar street lights to the Ogidi Community is an act of kindness that will illuminate the community and bring a sense of safety and security to its residents.

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