27th January 2024; Governor-elect OAU is poised, ready to fire on all cylinders from day one

27th January 2024; Governor-elect OAU is poised, ready to fire on all cylinders from day one


As we inch closer to a significant day in the annals of the confluence state, 27th January 2024- a day constitutionally set aside for transition of power from one administration to another or betterstill a day power is transferred to another Governor for the critical purpose of continuity in governance. As at that date, Governor Yahaya Bello would have completed his constitutionally acceptable two(2) terms of 8 years, and Governor-elect, Alhaji Ododo Ahmed Usman would assume the oval office as the 5th Executive Governor of Kogi state.

The hostility and grim scenario that characterises transition periods, as we have seen in some other states, won’t happen because it’s a handover of power within the same party and political family. Rather, it will be an inauguration that promotes “consolidation and continuity” hinged on progressive ideologies, building on the foundation laid and the propensity to launch Kogi to a height where it becomes a cynosure of other federating units.

27th January 2024; Governor-elect OAU is poised, ready to fire on all cylinders from day one

As expected, it will be a day that comes with pomp and excitement, as creame de la creame that cut across politics, business, entertainment, sport, and more will throng the capital city of kogi to celebrate the beginning of another administration. Beyond the fanfare that often comes with an inauguration ceremony is the palpable concern of kogites on what the future holds. Concerns about the kind of leadership the new sherrif would espouse. Won’t it be an elitist government to the detriment of the collective? Will the consolidation and continuity drive deliver good governance and not otherwise? Will it be a government of the people,by the people and of the people in it true sense? These are valid concerns from people who are patriotic, desire the success of their leaders, and development of the state.

These array of meaningful questions wrapped as concerns will find befitting answers in the executiveness of Alhaji Ododo’s governorship because he understands the penultimate role of leadership, well equipped with administrative skills to deliver democratic dividends and the art of governance that’s altruistic and people focused. He has adequately learnt the rope of bringing government closer to the people while he served under the new direction administration led by His Excellency,Governor Yahaya Bello.

The adept erstwhile Auditor General for Local Government is a seasoned accountant with proven records of accomplishment both in private and public service. He made shining excellence his watchword through the dint of hard work, diligence, dedication to duty, commitment to professional ethos, which culminated to his success story in the private sector. He added gamut of value to the financial management, fiscal responsibility, and sustainability in the local government service through his experience and expertise as an auditor. He left an indelible mark in his previous roles, which makes his gubernatorial era assuring of developmental deliverables.

Prior to the November 11th Gubernatorial election, during consultation to different political blocks and stakeholders of Kogi origin, the Governor-elect emphasised the fact that he’s the richest candidate in the contest, but many couldn’t decipher what he meant beyond the literary meaning, whereas, it’s an incontrovertible truth, owing to the guidance, teaching, counsel and prodding received from the reservoir of notable leaders and elderstatemen that surrounded and supports his candidacy as it then was. During his electoral oddsey, he gained invaluably from their wealth of experience in politics, culture, history, and administration, and many more important lessons. Coupled with his innate capacity, there is sure to be no room for laxity when he takes over the mantle of leadership.

Alhaji Ododo Ahmed Usman is poised and ready to fire on all cylinders because he’s equipped with the practical understanding of governance and it inherent intricacies. His 7 years plus in the sensitive role of ensuring there are checks and balance in the utilisation and management of Finances at the local government as an auditor prepared him well for the number one job. He understands the place of prudency and sustainable utilisation of funds in achieving good governance. Governor Yahaya Bello,CON, in his democratic and particpatory style of leadership, has also exposed all his new direction lieutenants to the nitty-gritty of administration, of which Alhaji Ododo is a front role students. He has all it takes to hit the ground running from the first day.

Without micing words, the confluence state is bound to experience a quick take-off from 27th of January under the leadership of Alhaji Ododo Ahmed Usman, subsequently, lead an administration that does not only bridge gaps and yearnings of the people but surpasses expectation in terms of adequate delivery of democratic dividends, owing to his full participation in the governance process in the past 7 years. He knows where the success stories lie, the challenges yet unsolved, and the solution to proffer going forward. Therefore, he needs not learn on the job. Rather, he will start firing on all cylinders; providing leadership in it true definition via consolidation and continuity of good governance in the confluence state.

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