Hon. Leke Joseph Abejide

The attention of the National leadership of Ekinrin-Adde Community Development Association EACDA has been drawn to an online publication purportedly written by a faceless individual in the name ” Youths of Ekinrin-Adde” casting aspersions on Hon Leke Abejide a Honorary Chief of the Ekinrin-Adde Traditional Council on his preferences when he was conferred with the Title of Bashorun of Ekinrin-Adde by HRM Olu Anthony Bamigbaiye Idowu ACA CON Ahemaworo 1, Olu-Adde of Ekinrin-Adde during our last Ekinrin-Adde day event.

The publication contains half truths, deliberate falsehoods and negative inuendos clearly crafted to suggest that HRM, EACDA and Ekinrin-Adde youths are angry with the Hon. Nothing can be farther from the truth. We completely disassociate ourselves from the publication in all it’s entirety, intent and purposes, it is completely contrary to the reality of a smooth relationship that exist between our Community and Hon Leke Abejide.

We hold him in very high esteem and it’s needless to say that we appreciate his presence and handsome donation he made at the last edition of Ekinrin-Adde day Event. We clearly state that the authors of this publication do not speak for Ekinrin-Adde in any capacity whatsoever.

We wouldn’t have dignified the sinister motive of the anonymous writer with a rejoinder, but for the times we are in and the need to put a lie to the negative impressions the writer wanted to create.

The publication should be disregarded and treated as rubbish meant for the dustbin. We admonish all media platforms to do their due diligence before publishing this kind of fake news. HRM and indeed our entire Community are happy and grateful to all those who contributed to the success of our last Ekinrin-Adde day Event.

The request for apologies from Hon Leke to HRM is therefore absolutely uncalled for and unnecessary .

God bless – Deinde Toyin komolafe National General Secretary on behalf of EACDA and the good people of Ekinrin-Adde Community.

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