My attention has been drawn to rumours flying around saying I have stepped down for another candidate who I have never met in life either in a dream or physically! Neither have I had any discussion with any of his associates directly or indirectly regarding such matter!!!

Let me put the records straight that KOGI WEST QUEST FOR GOVERNORSHIP is bigger than me as an individual so as such I cannot negotiate the mandate of the people out for any lesser position. I am the type that my yes is yes so nobody can deceive me into something I know is against my people of Kogi West.

On issue of Muri Ajaka talking with me for both of us working together, yes we are meeting and my position is Kogi West should be given the chance of producing next Governor of Kogi State and that is where I stand because Kogi West has been very supportive to Kogi East in producing Governors since the State was created.

For Fairness,Equity and Justice both Kogi East and Kogi Central should give Kogi West maximum support as a way of reciprocating our patience and kind gestures to both zones in the past and recent times to lead the State which Kogi East has 19 years cumulatively of leading and Kogi Central now rounding off 8 years and it is natural to allow Kogi West which has 0 years to have a bite this time.

I want to use this medium to further encourage our people to remain steadfast in this struggle and remain United to fight the battle ahead in order to RESCUE our people in this perilous time. If we do not do it now there might be no other time and posterity will not forgive all of us.

I decided to make this clarification based on traffic of calls and visitation from concern citizens of Kogi State warning me of the danger of backing out when millions of Kogites are already looking towards my direction to lead the RESCUE mission.



Rt Hon Leke Abejide MHR
Gubernatorial candidate ADC

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