Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris, FCA bags Leadership Award of Excellence

The management of personality profile programme on Nigeria Television Authority(NTA) presents an award of Excellence in leadership to Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris,FCA, the Honourable Commissioner of Finance,Budget and Economic Planning, Kogi State as the most outstanding and best performing Honourable Commissioner of Finance in the North Central Zone.
The prestigious award was presented to the recipient today in his office after an interview session that’s scheduled to be aired during the Personality profile Programme on NTA lokoja.

While presenting the Award, the spokesperson of the management said that the decision to bestow these  award of leadership Excellence on the Honourable Commissioner is premised on due diligence on his personality, verifiable track records of service and a dispassionate aggregate of public perspectives on his leadership style. We don’t just dish out awards, if give to those who truly deserves it.
After thorough scrutiny, we found you worthy of the award, by unanimous decision of the management. The deseving recognition is due to your leadership ingenuity that’s focused on advancing the course of humanity, regardless of any differences. You have also shown strength of character, uncommon wisdom and remarkable vision in the discharge of your responsibilities as a commissioner, which at every point, is seen to be geared towards improving the welfare and wellbeing of the people.

Your stellar performance within and beyond your jurisdiction as Commissioner in charge of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning as further reinforced the fact that you are a round peg in a round hole, and we give kudos to Governor Yahaya Bello for such an invaluable discovery. The plethora of achievements under your leadership in terms of financial management, fiscal re-enginerring and sustainable debt management system is highly commendable and also a validation on you as a reknown financial expert and consumate accountant.
Asiwaju while responding profusely thanked the management of personality profile programme on NTA lokoja for the Award, saying he will ensure sustenance or even put more effort on whatever factor that must have qualified him for the award. I hold the recognition at high esteem, with a promise to do more for humanity in whatever capacity.
I enjoin you as media managers to continually support the government of His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello in the quest to deliver more dividends of democracy to Kogites, through unbias reportage of our activities and projection of our various achievements in terms of projects, programmes and policies. It’s only through such synergy our democratic system can develop, improve in political participation by the voting electorates and most especially feedbacks to Government from the Govern can be achieved.
The New Direction administration of His Excellency is media friendly and we are tenaciously working on Revamping our media house’s to a global standard,  while we sustain a virile relationship with other sister media hubs like NTA lokoja. 
With all excitement, I dedicate these Award of Leadership Excellence to My Leader, Mentor and Principal, His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello for the ample opportunity to serve and learn under his purposeful leadership.
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