
“Àgbájọwọ́ la fiun soya, owo kan o gbe ru dori”. This can simply be translated as meaning that teamwork, togetherness, and unity of purpose will translate to success, progress, and uplifting.

As it is, for this coming dispensation, the yearnings of the people are presenting the best candidates across board. If we are to revamp our economy and present first-class candidates that will make laws and policies which will lift us out of this logjam, then the best hands and legs should be put forward.

In one voice, since 1999, Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency has been well represented at the green chamber by the People’s Democratic party, they have not failed us, and they won’t fail if we retain our faith in them. 

Away from the no-brainer sectionalism gospel being preached by a sect, who, going by the old real rotational policy, is not due for a shot. Won’t we rather work as one, as a team, and as a unit in supporting someone who can better represent us rather than someone who wants the position as a means to an end or based on “it’s my turn” toga?

Olaiya Michael Olobatoke is simply asking that we come together as a unit, no matter which clan and town you come from, and let’s continue the works of quality representation. 

The Federal House of Representative’s office belonged to every son and daughter of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu constituency, and together, we will elect the best choice to represent us. And, the best choice, is Olaiya Michael Olobatoke (OMO). 

When we walk and work as a team, our results will be much more huge than when we work, walk-in divisiveness. “Àgbájọwọ́ lafiun soya, ajoji owo kan o gbe ru dori”. 

Our strength and agility are entrenched in our togetherness and together we will. 

Support Olaiya Michael Olobatoke (OMO), support the “Àgbájọwọ́” movement, he is Objective, he is Meticulous, he is Orderly.




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