Amazing Benefits Of Garlic and Why You Should Never Run Away From It

 Amazing Benefits Of Garlic and Why You Should Never Run Away From It

Garlic might not be your first choice when it comes to consuming, thanks to the garlic breath that it leaves behind but just before you dismiss it completely let me tell you that garlic is one element that has been valued, for over 5,000 years for its ability to provide benefits ranging from acne free bright and healthy skin to thick, lustrous hair.

Garlic is commonly used to add flavor to many food dishes, but it has some impressive health benefits too. The key medicinal compound in garlic is allicin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant properties.

In addition, garlic is packed with vitamins and nutrients. Some of these include vitamins B1, B6, C, as well as manganese calcium, copper, selenium and many others.

A little garlic every day can go a long way in helping you to protect, as well as boost, your health. To reap the most health benefits from garlic, eat it in its raw state. Cooked garlic loses a significant amount of its medicinal qualities. Plus, to increase its efficieny as a natural antibiotic, eat garlic on an empty stomach.

Here are the top health benefits of garlic.

1. Improves Heart Health

Garlic is an excellent superfood for heart health. It helps improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. It helps slow the development of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries which increases the risk for a heart attack or stroke.

To improve cardiovascular health and prevent heart disease, eat 1 or 2 crushed garlic cloves daily in the morning.

You can also take this herb in supplement form after consulting your doctor. A daily dose of 900 mg of standardized garlic powder has been found to be effective.

2. Controls Hypertension

Studies have shown that garlic also reduces high blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure. Garlic acts as a vasodilator which helps to widen the blood vessels, making blood flow smoother.

People with high blood pressure must eat a few raw garlic cloves daily on an empty stomach. If you do not like the tate of garlic, drink a glass of milk after eating it. You can take garlic supplements, too.

3. Reduces Arthritis Pain

Garlic has been shown to reduce pain and other symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation associated with various forms of arthritis. It also contains a compound called diallyl disulfide that helps limit cartilage-damaging enzymes.

To ease pain in inflamed and aching joints due to arthritis, include garlic in your regular diet. Preferably, take it on an empty stomach.

4. Boosts Immunity

Garlic is a surprisingly good source of vitamins C, B6 and the minerals selenium and manganese – all of which boost the immune system. It also enhances mineral absorption.

Plus, garlic has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that strengthen the body’s defence mechanism and fight infections.

5. Treats Cough and Cold

Garlic offers antibiotic and antiviral benefits that make antibacterial properties make garlic a wonderful treatment for cough and cold. It may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory infections.

Plus, garlic also highly beneficial in treating various respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. It also promotes expectoration with coughs, making it irreplaceable for those with chronic bronchitis.

In addition to eating garlic, garlic supplements can be taken on a regular basis to reduce the frequency of upper respiratory infections.

6. Fights Fungal Infections

Garlic has powerful antifungal properties that help fight fungal infections causing ringworm, athlete’s foot and jock itch. It also helps fight candida.

Apply garlic gel or oil on the affected skin areas. When dealing with oral thrush, apply garlic paste on the affected areas of the mouth.

Include fresh, raw garlic in your diet.

7. Combats Allergies

Garlic has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that help the body fight different types of allergies. It also has been shown to reduce airway inflammation due to allergic rhinitis.

It is highly recommended that people with allergies take a daily garlic supplement during the allergy season. Applying minced garlic is a good option for rapid relief from itching due to rashes, bug bites or any other kind of allergy.

8. Cures Toothache

Garlic is also effective in reducing toothache, thanks to its antibacterial and analgesic properties. Simply put some garlic oil or a piece of crushed garlic clove directly onto the affected tooth and surrounding gum for instant relief. Keep in mind that garlic can be irritating to the gums.

9. Aids Digestion

Garlic regulates the functioning of the stomach to promote digestion. It stimulates the mucous membranes of the stomach to produce gastric juices that aid digestion.

Garlic also triggers the liver to release toxins from the body, while at the same time protects the liver from harm. Do not eat garlic in excess though, as it may irritate the digestive tract and cause heartburn.

10. Inhibits Cancer

Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially of the digestive system and lungs, while also prevents certain tumors from growing larger and reducing the size of certain tumors. The presence of allyl sulfur compounds in garlic can slow down the progress of cancerous cell growth.

Regular intake of garlic is important for those who have a family history of cancer to lower their risk of many types of cancer. Garlic supplements do not seem to be as effective in protecting against cancer as raw or cooked garlic.


Garlic can cause side effects like bloating, flatulence, gas, upset stomach, bad breath and body odor. If you have stomach or digestion problems, use garlic with caution.

It acts as a blood-thinner and may interfere with blood thinning medications.

It may block some HIV drugs.

Here are a few ways in which you can use garlic to get clean and glowing skin

1. Acne, Pimples And Spot Treatment

As I already mentioned, allicin has antifungal properties which can be used to get rid of those stubborn acne that have been giving you sleepless nights.

a. Just cut a freshly piece of raw garlic and apply a little pressure on it to release some juice and then rub this garlic pod onto the affected area. Leave it for 5 minutes and was off with cold water. You’ll see a reduction in redness and swelling within the day. Also, this helps in prevention of acne leaving behind marks on your skin.

b. Another simple technique to get rid of acne using garlic is mixing juice from 2-3 pods of garlic with an equal quantity of white vinegar and applying it to the affected area. The white vinegar helps in maintaining the skin’s pH levels while garlic fights infection.

c. For those who can’t bear the sting that raw garlic causes when used alone, peel a few garlic pods and crush them. Add half tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. yogurt. Apply this mask all over the face and wash within 20 minutes. Instead of using raw garlic you can also use garlic oil or garlic powder. Both these variants are easily available in the market. Never use more than 2-3 drops of garlic oil and half tsp. of garlic powder.

d. To get rid of acne scaring and blemishes, make a paste by taking 4-5 pieces of peeled raw garlic and whacking each one with a mallet so that it breaks open. Do not mince this completely. Boil 250 ml of water and as soon as it comes to a boil, add the garlic. Boil the garlic for 30-35 minutes and make sure that the garlic is always submerged in water. When the garlic has finished boiling, let it cool till it is lukewarm. Now use your mallet or a rolling pin to make a garlic paste and apply this paste liberally on your entire face. The boiling ensures that the garlic is not too strong for the skin.

2. Blackhead And Whitehead Removal

One of the most common skin problems is blackheads. Their occurrence is particularly very high when you have oily skin.

a. Take 2-3 cloves garlic and crush them. Add 1 tbsp. of oatmeal, 1-2 drops of tea tree oil and half tsp. lemon juice. Mix these ingredients with honey to form a thick paste. Spread a thin layer of this paste onto clean skin. After letting it sit for 2-3 minutes, gently exfoliate your face followed by a rinse with warm water. Use this mask thrice in a week to see a visible reduction in blackheads.

You can also add a few drops of garlic juice in the homemade scrub made out of chickpea flour and turmeric.

3. Anti-ageing And Pore Minimization

Garlic beauty benefits also include the aid for anti aging. The strong anti-oxidants present in garlic help in reducing the free radical build up in the skin thus keeping it firm and youthful. It also contains sulphur, which helps the body to produce collagen which inturn helps in fighting wrinkles. Garlic also contains a large number of skin-protective polyphenols. Just crush some garlic pods and add the juice into your regular face masks for added goodness and preventing premature aging.

a. Enlarged pores are a common problem in ageing skin. To minimize pores make a paste by mashing together half a tomato and 3-4 pods of garlic. Spread a thin layer of the paste onto your face. After 20 minutes, wash your face with lukewarm water and seal your pores with a final splash of cold water. Tomato and garlic both have antiseptic qualities that help in unclogging the skin, minimizes pores and tightens the skin.

b. Consuming pill-size pieces of garlic every day also works great to protect the skin from damages caused by free radicals, oxidation, and environmental stressors that eventually results in wrinkles.

4. Stretch Mark Removal

There are not many things that you can do to prevent stretch marks from appearing but garlic can definitely help you in getting rid of them. Stretch marks are known to reduce and vanish if you use garlic.

a. Hot oil massage is one of the most commonly suggested home remedy for this problem. To make more effective, add juice from crushed garlic pods in the hot oil that you use. Use this oil regularly on your stretch marks and you will notice the difference in a few weeks. Instead of using garlic juice, you can also use garlic oil. Do take care not to add more than half tsp. of garlic oil.

b. Also increase consumption of garlic in your diet as the allicin and sulphur in garlic are known to increase the elasticity of the skin which prevents the stretch marks from occurring.

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