By Babajide Obafemi 
When we give a chance for good governance, we give a chance to the nation’s general well-being, the opposite is the case when we elect or are deceived into electing bad leaders or bad governance. 
Nigerians have had a turn of not too good economic drivers in the last eight years; truth be told. Sometimes, the drivers are awake, sometimes, it looks as if the drivers slide into a deep shuteye, it becomes a zig-zag kind of economic sequence, it is awake today, it is however snoring tomorrow. Nigeria’s economy can then be described as an approbative and reprobative economic style or system. 
With the Nigeria situation that has turned almost everyone into a manager or panhandler, citizens need little or no extra nudge to get registered, get PVCs, vote and defend their votes. 
From the Presidency to the Federal Legislative, Governors down to the Local Government, it is instructive to choose wisely or vote wisely this time, whatever our choices are on the days we will elect our leader is what our four years economic grace or miseries will be.
As much as we may believe that we need tested and trusted hands in other to redirect our paths back in the right direction, we also need fresh brains, new faces, youthful and vigorous personalities who are not self-seeking and are not beclouded by self-aggrandizing. 
Experience is good but good as it may be, there seems to be some level of deceit by old and perceived experienced politicians who uses hunger to weaken the citizens and are apt in the use of divide and rule. 
Whatever and however an area will look like in developments, it is very suitable to look at who are the active players in the local politics of that area. If we will get it right in the coming political dispensation, we will need to look inward, get the local politicking right and elect into offices those who have the interest of the local or people at the grassroots at heart. 
Aside from the local government chairmen, the state assembly members, it is very important to take useful interest in who becomes a federal house of reps member of ones constituency.  With a good minded individual as a representative of an area, this individual interfaces between the federal and the locals, this individual if robustly grounded, sincere and has the people of his constituency in mind, he/she will draw serious presence of the federal government to his/her constituency and also precipice when an unjust policy is being prepared. 
Without casting aspersions on other aspirants from every political party vying for the coveted house of reps seat in Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency, that person who singularly ticks the boxes in the area of selflessness, vigourousness, empathy and brilliance is Olaiya Michael Olobatoke, no wonder, his OMO sobriquet is broken down to be Objective, Meticulous and Orderly.
With what he is doing, with what he intends to do and with his salient blueprints that captures qualitative representation, humanitarian programmes of note and grassroots poverty alleviation, Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu’s future in the next four years is secured under his watch, and when a good turn becomes different, engaging and peoples inclusiveness oriented in nature, the people will forget about the tough times of the past, a template for positive governance and engagements is then set.  
Let’s do this together, let us give Olaiya Michael Olobatoke a chance. 
OMO…..still the best.
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