Hajia Ramatu Tijjani: The Best Servant Leader We Can Trust – GBAMSBLOG NEWS

We have read and witness the activities of many public office holders from time memorial till date and one can easily rate how their performance on the Community they came from, their state and Nigeria at large to be scored below Average considering the influence of their office.

Its no doubt that the sterling performance of Dr. Hajia Ramatu Tijjani is gradually wiping away such ugly narratives as she has without fear of cost of resources connect herself to the grassroot via her numerous empowerment programs, ranging from youths, widows, women empowerment, Educational support programs that cuts across the Kogi state, Federal capital territory and beyond.

Dr Hajia Ramatu Tijjani has over time pose to have the downtrodden at heart which has made her earn the trust and supports she gets anytime the needs arises, no wonder she has enjoy robust relationship with Major traditional rulers across Kogi state and beyond.

Citizens of kogi state and beyond are very happy with her performance and we pledge to say she posses the kind of attributes we wish to represent us at a higher capacity, as we can always count on her anytime the needs arise.


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