Valentine Ozigbo, the Peoples Democratic Party candidate in the 2021 Anambra governorship election, joined a host of distinguished guests in Emekuku in Owerri North LGA of Imo State as Her Excellency Chief Mrs Salome Zainab Marwa was laid to rest. 
Mrs Marwa was the former First Lady of Lagos and Borno States. Her husband, Brigadier General Mohammed Buba Marwa (Rtd), is the current Chairman/Chief Executive of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA). 

She was also the sister of Ochudo Martin Agbaso, a former Senator and special assistant on Ecology to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and Jude Agbaso, a former Deputy Governor of Imo State. 

In a brief condolence message at the funeral ceremony, Mr Ozigbo, who recently received the Anambra Man of the Year 2021 Award, commiserated with the Agbasos on Chief Mrs Marwa’s demise and prayed that God grants the bereaved family the fortitude to bear the significant loss. 
“I am here to sympathise with my good friend, Ochudo Martin Agbaso, on the demise of his sister, Her Excellency Chief Mrs Zainab Marwa,” Ozigbo, who attended the event with his wife, Mrs Ojiugo Ozigbo, said.  
“Chief Mrs Marwa lived a long, fruitful, and impactful life, and her death will be a source of deep sorrow.
“While we celebrate her life and times, let us be reminded of life’s fleeting nature and the importance of leaving a legacy behind.
“She has played her part in transforming the fortunes of her people and will be remembered fondly for her good graces,” Ozigbo, a respected business leader, added. 
The society event attracted important players in Nigeria’s political, business, and royal class. Some of the dignitaries present include, His Excellency Peter Obi, the immediate past Governor of Anambra State; Chief Okey Ezeibe, a prominent business leader and politician; Senator Francis Onyewuchi, the Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on State and Local government, among others.
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