(OMO candidature consolidation movements)
“Our loved ones never lives too far not to be visited” -Amorise

The above quote has not only been established/ justified by Otunba Olobatoke Michael Olaiya (OMO), he has also demonstrated practically what a 21st century followers oriented leadership is.
It was an epoch making outing at Agbede Appa, Kabba-Bunu LGA over the week, as the people’s man Otunba Olobatoke Michael Olaiya (OMO) in his ongoing tour around the Kabba-Bunu/ Ijumu federal constituency visited the ancient town of Agbede Appa, a historical and economical resource rich settlement of the Bunu district of Kabba-Bunu LGA.
Upon the visit, OMO was joyfully received and glamorously welcomed by the Royals, community leaders, market women,  men and the Agbede Appa youths and students communities.
During the visit, the political aspiration of Otunba Olobatoke was not the only point of discussion, though it was an integral factor of the courtesy, good tidings and solidarity visit.
The welfare of the constituents, the developments of the community and her people amongst many other progressive agendas we’re discussed. 
The good people of Agbede Appa displayed a high level of appreciation for the visit, relevancy and inclusion that the OMO mandate has considered the community worthy of and describing it as a rare attribute of any circular politicians in the recent times.
Otunba Olobatoke was also attested to be not just a politician but a leader per excellence and an outstanding lover of the people he represent and desire to represent even at a greater capacity. 
Otunba in his address promised to uphold the love he has for the Agbede Appa community and her people, also to not at any time take for granted the great love of the community for him as being displayed, and also promises to reciprocate the kind gesture through human, capital and infrastructural development of the historical community.
In his synonymous attribute, Otunba Olobatoke also extended his compassion for the people by reaching out to the aged, men, women and youths/students community.
Indeed Agbede Appa is for development !
Agbede Appa is for quality representation!
Agbede Appa is for OMO!
-As complied by: OMO media team
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