A L M O S T the movie dropping this quarter. A film produced and directed by multiple international Award winning Filmmaker INO MOSES JONAH a.m.p
He Is An international multiple award winning film producer/Director
He has won lot of awards in the Nollywood industry in Nigeria.
He won Best African drama at the Toronto international film festival (Canada) and Lekki international film festival (best short film)
International Film shot by phone festival, A-TIPSOM European Union best film award
A L M O S T a 2022 film focuses on the story of a young intelligent graduate who out of joblessness went into transport business (bus driver) with his friend just to survive. the struggle downtown, irregular migration, determination, exploit and the struggle for survival among our youths in the country.
The film was shot on different location in Benin city part of indigenous city in Nigeria. The actors and actresses explore the Benin parks and art work.
Featuring Actress Erica the lead female, Actor Sophia Imasuen as a sculpture photographer was contracted to explore the tourism destination of the most creative art city in Nigeria. 
MARVIS played by Raymond Okafor from the popular rok series Blood of Enogie
A L M O S T major cast includes Sam Obeakemhe, Victor Vita, Osawe Jennifer, ace radio presenter Sydney shocker, Destiny Agbai, Iyobosa Osifo (junkie), Michael Eriyo, imadiyi Oghomwen, Robert Elvis, Smith osaghele popular Comedian Edward and ofiotor, guest appearance like Bishop Wale Ajayi and a host of wonderful actors.
Speaking on the inspiration behind the production, INO MOSES JONAH said in an interview with our correspondent “I made this film with A L M O S T no budget, A L M O S T no A-list, A L M O S T telling a deep story with no face but they are experienced and professional cast and crew with state of the art equipment” You will love this film titled A L M O S T “
The film A L M O S T official date will be announced alongside his Co-Executive producer Ugo Egbuna as he concluded.
Coming to your big screen this first quarter of 2022.
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