Birthday: Folorunsho Olafemi Heartily Rejoices With Chief Paul Oludoyi
Folorunsho Olafemi joins family, friends and well-wishers in congratulating Otunba Paul Oludoyi on the auspicious occasion of his birth anniversary.
Otunba Oludoyi is a highly influential, impactful and industrious man whose love for community development projects has kept him happy and fulfilled.
Olafemi describes the High Chief in the Elulu Council of Mopa as a man of wisdom and great experience, noting that his contributions towards the daily growth and development of Mopa Land cannot be overemphasized.
Olafemi prays for more of God’s blessings and protections upon the life of Otunba Paul Abiodun Oludoyi. 
Opeyemi Fatola
Media Assistant
24th December, 2021.
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