By Ade Ariyo.
Leadership has been defined by many people according to their perspectives. But one important definition sees it as a process of social influence of enlisting the support of others in the accomplishment of a common task and carrying others along for collective benefits. The emergence of leaders is based on assumption that people born with specific  characteristics become leaders and those born without these characteristics do not become leaders even when they pretend to be. Findings from various research indicates that very few leaders emergence has generic base. Many successive leaders inherited certain traits that might influence their decision to seek leadership roles. Both anecdotal and empirical evidence support traits and leadership behavior.
Many personalty characteristics are found to be associated with the emergence of leaders. These include assertiveness, authenticity, cognitive intelligence, birth order, character strength, dominance,  emotional intelligence, gender, narcissism, self monitoring, truthfulness, social motivation and sincerely. Etc.
Hon. Dr. Taufiq Isa, the Chairman Ijumu LG, ALGON Chairman, Baaregunwa of Yoruba Kingdom, the Iraawo Ooni of Yoruba land and the Professor of Okun Politics  is a man loaded with these qualities. He is an individual who has emotional intelligence that gives him ability to understand and relate with people. He has skills in communicating and decoding emotions, deals with people wisely and effectively. He is a grassrooter and  selfless leader who leads and cares for the betterment of his followers. His ability to relate positively and compassionately with followers stands him tall above any other leader in Ijumu and Okun. 
His leadership is  unrivaled, no wonder he is triumphing over his adversaries this was  visible in the composition of the ward and Local government Excos. One of our lacunas in the choice of leadership is our inability to distinguish between situation Leaders and real leaders. We kept on running  and supporting people who do not feel our pains. Those who preach humanitarian when actually they are not one but deceivers who aspire to be leaders motivated by greed, materialism, ego and self’s.
While we have good leaders like Hon. Taufiq, we equally have destructive leaders, we also have absentees leaders, we have heartless leaders parading themselves around as leaders. Those who rise into power and positions not necessarily because of their skills, or love of serving the people or neither are they even accepted by the people, that is why they are marginally engaging with their roles. And pointing at their impacts on followers and in our communities becomes a tall dream. You can only be seeing them on social media taking snap shots of being leaders and not pointing at any impact on followers. Absentee leader is even worst than destructive leaders because it will take long to pinpoint their mistakes.
2023 is by the corner it’s high time we reasoned deep and free ourself from the deception of destructive and absentee leaders.  We have seen enough of the leaders who may want to come back in 2023, different situation calls for different leadership style and leaders.
Hon. Taufiq today and presently has emerged a leader that is more concerned with the overall well-being and development of our people, a man with a relationship oriented leadership, he shows trust, and confidence, reliable, emancipator and above all a selfless leader. Let’s all toe his footstep in his struggle to liberate Ijumu, Okunland and his doggedness in the struggle for the realization of Governor Yahaya Adozas ambition.
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