Zuckerberg loses $6 billion hours after Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram slammed – GBAMSBLOG
Zuckerberg is presently fifth most extravagant individual on the planet with total assets esteemed at $121.6 billion

Facebook originator and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook originator and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg 

Facebook originator and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg 

Facebook originator and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has lost more than $6 billion in close to home abundance following the accident of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, as indicated by Bloomberg. 

Every one of the three web-based media administrations, possessed by Facebook, endured blackout around evening in Nigeria and across the world on Monday, October 4, 2021. 

A report by Bloomberg said a selloff sent Facebook’s stock down 4.9%, notwithstanding a 15% drop fourteen days prior. 

Zuckerberg’s total assets is currently esteemed at $121.6 billion, placing him as the fifth most extravagant individual on the planet. 

Facebook took to Twitter minutes after the collide with say it knew about the blackout. 

“We’re attempting to restore things once again as fast as could really be expected, and we apologize for any bother,” the organization tweeted. 

No authority reason has been given for the interruption.

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