19-Year Old Honors Student to Graduate From Clark Atlanta University Two Years Early – GBAMSBLOG

Ronald McCullough

Atlanta, GA — At the age of 19, Ronald McCullough is already set to graduate with honors with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Clark Atlanta University. He managed to finish college 2 years earlier with his determination.

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McCullough’s classmates describe him as a genius but he doesn’t consider himself as one. He was thankful, however, for his parents who pushed him to achieve more.

“I would not consider myself a genius,” McCullough told Fox News. “I was placed in a setting for my love of learning to manifest. Much was expected of me and there was little room for disappointment.”

McCullough also graduated early from high school and started college at the age of 16. He has since earned membership in Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society.

Now, he plans to enroll in the biological and agricultural engineering program at North Carolina A&T State University. He dreams of becoming an astronaut someday.

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