KGSG to Resume Demolition of Houses built with illegal money or Used for Criminal Activities – GBAMSBLOG

Commander Jerry Omodara and mrs jagboro olusola victoria
Commander Jerry Omodara and mrs jagboro olusola victoria

 Retired Commander Jerry Omodara while addressing the press warned Landlords against harboring criminals, we have done it before and will do it again if we discover any house used by criminals to perform their evil acts the house will be demolished.

The Governor said security of lives and property remains the priority of his administration, pointing out that his administration is committed to safeguarding the State.

He forward explained that the move was part of the renewed effort of the government in nipping in the bud upsurge of Insecurity in Okun land and the state.

Governor Bello in a message to an Emergency Security Meeting at Kabba on Monday Represented by the State Security Adviser, Retired Commander Jerry Omodara said no school will be closed down following the incident of  Unknown gunmen who attacked a church during Sunday service killing one person and abducting three others.

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