It was Socrates who said that ‘fame is the perfume of heroic deeds’

For Shirley, ‘only the actions of the just smell sweet and blossom in the dust’

For Johnson, ‘to get a name can hap­pen but to few; it is one of the few things that cannot be bought’

It is the free gift of mankind, which must be deserved before it will be granted, and is at last unwillingly bestowed.

Yet, for Shakespeare, ‘men’s evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water’

Despite the propaganda, lies, black­mail and conspiracy against him in this illiberal build up to a contest; despite all of the hitz by his political supposed allies, he (Rt. Hon. Matthew Kolawole) remains the toast of the free world. 

Despite all their propagandas and social media wash at the face of their fear for his political fame, his fame continued to rise like a wildfire in the Harmattan period.

Hon. Kolawole against their political wish has joined a number of who matter in Kogi political avatars  in the pantheon of the gods. 

*If Emerson’s assertion that ‘self-trust is the essence of heroism’ is anything to go by, then is Yomikola far from being  a political hero?

*Chai, we in all our sincerity know the fact and the answers* 

All over the world, people choose their heroes for different reasons. Some designate legendary creatures from every historical epoch and every field, such as Christopher Colum­bus, Florence Nightingale etc, for me, *I chose Yomikola over and over again for his unmatchable indelible footprints across Kabba /Bunu State Constituency*

Yet, there are also those who believe that some heroes are unknown to the general public, their heroic deeds unrecog­nized but far from insignificant, as even if taken to London, they will still glitz. 

 I will choose Rt. Hon Speaker as the reign­ing King of political players that’s soaring higher than expected though this annoyed his jesters. 

I believe that, like every other hero, he is a hu­man being, with everything that it im­plies. 
I also believe that recognizing a hero-warts and all makes it possible to become a hero and to encourage oth­ers to do the same.

Yomikola became the 1st assembly member from Kabba /Bunu to go back to the seat back to back, this can best come from a performer and achiever who against all odds, insisted to follow the footsteps of his political father, boss and benefactor, his Excellency Alhaji. Yahaya Adoza Bello,the Governor of Kogi State.

He thus became the first Kabba /Bunu Honourable member of Kogi State House of Assembly to rise from  the position of Majority Leader to the prestigious level of Speakership as a first timer. 

Yomikola had a cult-like following of members across his Constituency, this is possible because of his ground-breaking achievements over his predecessors and of course his servant leader system. 

Despite the verbal and press thuggery directed at his person, Rt. Hon. Mathew Kolawole’s name still jiggled all over the place. 

His rising popularity is evident in the size of his followers even in the district of his detractors.

If the above semiotic  of Yomikola’s rising popularity is not giving some section a rest, then they should sit and redress their own personal activities and political path their actions and utterances suggest fear in them.
Worse still, it is either they have no intelligence reports about the rising political profile of Yomikola before the people or they are blindfolded that he is loved. 

However, if they have been reading these semiotic signs well, they should understand his rising profile is a deserved one and change their attack tactics by focusing on substantive issues.

Indeed, when the time comes for historians to offer a kind of formal re­view of Yomikola, the task is likely to be morally compli­cated. 

I made bold to say that no Kabba /Bunu political player, including his daylight scared opponents who suddenly sees him as a threat has his kind of magnanimity, achievement and zeal to push the party (APC) forward, this man will stop at nothing to see that APC activities are well smoothed and dressed to get the desired results for Yahaya Bello and APC interest come 2023. 

Yomikola is not mediocre. Rather, he learned fast on the job of politics, I insist to say that his place is firmly secured in the pantheon of history. Such is the stuff heroism is made of.

Kolawole is not in any way struggling to be in the heart of his people, his people are well cut out about him. 
Go, go, go, Yomikola! We are with you…. That is the soundtrack of his constituents to him.

Barinkin Christopher (Bkings) 
Ayetoro – Kiri
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