The Buhari in us, written by Abdullahi O. Haruna, a sincere review.
By Obafemi Babajide

If you are a follower of the musing master, Abdullahi O. Haruna, you will agree that he is an ardent follower of President Muhammadu Buhari, this he has never hidden. He idolizes the General so much that he named one of his sons after the tall man. One would not be surprised if after following the President for a long time and having written so many articles about the many good deeds of the President in good and in trying times; Haruspice has decided to put a few of his write-ups on the septuagenarian President together as a compendium. 

In rich, flowery prose and poetry, Haruna has re-presented to the opposition plus supporters of Buhari what the taciturn man stands for. 

Through the powerful lenses of Haruspice, one will see that  President Buhari’s unwavering anti-corruption crusade and his audacious economic policies were meant to yield continuous dividends even after his term in office. 

The articles of Haruspice an award-winning journalist and author also showcases the different infrastructural development strides of Mr Prseident and the different star boys who are committed to the President’s vision. 

For the lovers of intelligent prose, ‘The Buhari in us’ is an expository masterpiece that digs in, beyond partisanship and armchair criticism of Mr President. 

For the opposition, reading ‘The Buhari in us’ may change your perspective of how President Buhari is peeked. 

For the ‘Buharideen’, a constituency Haruspice belonged, here is a book that should not be missing in your library or shelve. 

Abdullahi O. Haruna has helped those senior and professional media handlers of Mr President to further project his soaring vogue to those who have accepted him and those who are struggling to accept him. 

Whether Mr President will be remembered for rolling up his sleeves and putting the nation in good stead is a story to be told after his tenure, but one thing is sure, the compendium of articles titled ‘The Buhari in us’ will live forever and the progressive public relations writer will also be known for playing his parts long after he might have been gone. 

Please, ensure you get a copy, read, digest and prove me right or wrong. 
Babajide writes from Ekinrin-Adde.
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