Kabba Bunu LG Chairman Celebrate Governor Yahaya Bello @ 46

18th June, 2023
Demonstrating uncommon with whenever the need arises is one of the characteristics of an exemplary leader which remains one of your attributes as a person and as the Executive Governor of Kogi State, the Commander in Chief of the New Direction Government, a visionary leader and a political strategist.
On this special day, the Executive Chairman of Kabba Bunu LG Hon. Moses Olorunleke Celebrate Governor Yahaya Bello, the Executive Governor of Kogi State whom the Almighty God has bestowed on our dear state to break the circles of godfatherism in order to run a purposeful and meaningful Government which has given the state commendation all over the country and by extension reasonable development strides. 
Hon. Moses in his Birthday Message Stated that “I Celebrate your strength, large and generous heart, political astuteness and uncommon intellect, which have single you out a unique leader with speed and Style.
Furthermore, with forthrightness, you mentored and provided leadership to many of us, especially in the aspect of opening up political and governance space for young people.
The Executive Chairman therefore on behalf of the good people of Kabba Bunu LG wish to Congratulates our amiable, pragmatic, dynamic, young and energetic Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello on his 46th birthday Celebration.
He prayed for more heaven’s wisdom as you hit another year to pilot the affairs our dear state in order to bring more dividends of democracy and positive development as contained in the blue print agenda of the New Direction Government.
Once again, Happy Birthday and Congratulations Sir.
Olawale Samuel.
SSA Media and Publicity to the Executive Chairman of Kabba Bunu LG.
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