By Ade Ariyo.
With no vain political colouring, the bastion of leadership wheeling in the hands of our crowning glory Chairman Hon. Taufiq Isa, the Executive Chairman Ijumu LGA and ALGON Chairman is undeniably yielding fruition across lines that divide the local government
Unlike others, his shear approaches to grassroots governance and politics  has made him won his way into peoples’ heart, thereby making recognizable impacts across various lengths and breadths of the local government and  state.
To the weak, Hon Taufiq  becomes weak. To the poor, he become the poorest, all in a bid to be identified with them in their weaknesses and strengths. This, however, has been the reason for huge grassroots following and affections he is enjoying as a leader.
Beside that, his exemplary dedication to course of delivering the dividend of democracy and good governance is the reason for new ground breaking and picking up accolades and respect from far and near in politics and governance.
Hon. Taufiq has made giant strides in tackling the most pressing challenges facing people that come across his paths. He has proven to the good people of Ijumu and Okunland who reposed confidence in him, that his stirling  Leadership qualities, Wealth of experience, Clarity of purpose, Love and the Support he got from the people and his Political followers have made the outstanding and remarkable performances possible.
Without doubt, He has done remarkably well in the areas of appointments where over seventy (70) people were given SSAs, PAs, SAs and paid monthly from his purse,  Agricultural plantation around the Local government, Health-offsetting medical bills, stomach Infrastructure- -giving out bags of rice, grains and other palliatives on festive periods and most especially paying rents of many of his followers.
To state the recent, mouth are bound to wag the frisson of excitement that rented the air and media  following the display of astute political will and magnanimity of Hon. Taufiq in the gift of an official car first to the Vice Chairman and very recent to the Council Leader all from his bill, a precedent that has not been laid by past Chairmen.
This, among many are proofs of Hon.Taufiq’s s political and leadership upbeat. We’ve had no such politician in Ijumu Politics where peoples comfort is always his ultimate concern.
The colour legacy of good governance and politics of Hon. Taufiq is now beautifying the painful, unfruitful and stultified political trajectory of  our diaspora political leaders, and has become a reserve opprobrium for those who sold lies as reality.
It is easy to discern that Hon. Taufiq pragmatic leadership has stripped them of any political Importance to circus of clowns that people waiver and snigger at their flurries of ungodly sponsored writings scattered across media space.
No leader earns the rectitude and respect from his people if the needful has not been done. Hon Taufiq’s determination to wipe tears of people is a further testament that he is concerned with the plight of his people.
His method of writing history in terms of his milestones achievements in Ijumu is receiving salvo of cheers among well-meaning Okunl sons and daughter
It is therefore necessary for other politicians to be enrolled under the tutelage of Hon. (Dr) Taufiq Isa so as to help them rejig  their political culture.
Ade Ariyo Writes from Aduge.
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