Often times I have studied the personality of Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris and many titles comes to mind but in summary I have decided to put this piece together to describe him as A MAN WITH A LARGE HEART.

As a close son and one of the beneficiary of your benevolence and large heart towards humanity I want to unbehalf of numerous beneficiary whom has benefited from your kind gestures (Including Haters) to wish you Allah’s protection.

Your last birthday seems to be the most remarkable one for me, not because the ones before weren’t remarkable, I got so emotional when I realize your equal love for everyone that surrounds you including the disabled ones who came out in their large numbers to celebrate with you on that special day.

This goes a long way to show that you are indeed a man with a large heart that could accommodate both young and old, able and disabled, not excluding the little ones around you too.

I have over time searched for a selfless Personality to serve and learn more about been humanity conscious and I find you worthy to fit in this class.

You have taught me how to remain selfless without expecting reward from human and look up to Allah for reward.

I have  watch you pay hospital bills, school fees, House rents, I have seen you empowering youths, widows,  women and household there by giving them a means to earn a living on their own.

I could keep writing on and on and still write amidst cause in the real sense your personality is very rare and worth emulating.

Let me cap my piece by wishing you good health and Allah’s protection as you continue to make life easier for the downtrodden around you.

Mr. Adekunle Ola.

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