The Honourable commissioner of Finance, Budget and Economic planning, Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris, FCA has congratulated an erudite academia and a performer of note, Dr Usman Ogbo on the commendable feat of his confirmation as the substantive Rector of Kogi state Polytechnic, saying it’s most deserving and a perfect narrative of a round peg in a round hole.
Asiwaju in his congratulatory message made available through his media aide said convincingly that the confirmation of Dr Ogbo as the Rector of Kogi state Polytechnic didn’t come to him as a surprise, owing to his unprecedented strides in terms of infrastructural development and progressive reforms initiated in his 10 months stint in acting capacity. According to MAAI, Dr Ogbo had proven beyond reasonable doubt, that he does not only belong to the academic fraternity, much more, he’s well informed of the Inherent challenges of the sector and subsequently  possess the administrative acumen to proffer solution. That he has done in his acting capacity in grandstyle, Asiwaju avered.
Mukadam notes that kogi state polytechnic had witnessed a massive transformational shift from the unimpressive state of the past to a cynosure of all eyes, which he said is an eloquent testimony of his tested capacity, alluring  character, clear vision and exceptional leadership skills that’s geared towards genuine service and result oriented. In his words, “To have been confirmed substanstively,  speaks volume of how he has considerably met the high expectation of His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello, whose core values preaches hardwork, integrity and Excellence”.
“Let me use these medium to also appreciate my leader and principal, His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello for changing the narrative of Kogi state Polytechnic through the appointment of a capable and competent hand like Dr Ogbo, it’s now evidently obvious the Nigerian state urgently needs a leader like GYB who is visionary, detribilised and places premium on merit than divisive tendencies”.
The Honourable commissioner expressed great optimism that the newly confirmed Rector will not rest on his oars but rather consolidate on his profound and plausible scorecards. He charged him to up the ante of purposeful leadership cum good governance in the institution, saying he’s now the focus of the world to do more by leaving an indelible mark in the annals of the school and state owned higher institutions.
He felicitates with Dr Ogbo on the new status and wished him granduer success as he pilots the affairs of the school to a greater realm accomplishment. 
Ayopemi Ayowande OPOMULERO
Media Assistant
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