As the political jostling for the number one seat in the nation gain steam, though with divergent views of been too early or otherwise, the kogi state commissioner of Finance, Budget and Economic planning, Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris, FCA has aired his views about the aspiration of Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello, discribing it as a breath of fresh air the Nigeria nation needs at a dire time and season like this.
While speaking to journalists in his lokoja residence, said aside the  justifiable and timely demand of the North Central region through the political actors for the oval office, haven been marginalised for ages, despite playing a crucial role in the building process of the Nigerian state, His Excellency staunchly belong and represents the largest circus in the society- the youth constituency with over 65% of the population. Therefore, Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello perfectly fits into the vociferous agitation from all quarters in the nation, especially Youths, saying the nation number one seat must be excluded from the “old legs”,  but a young, visionary, courageous and committed servant leader remain the rightful choice come 2023. His Excellency in all ramifications,  symbolises the popular demands of the agitators.
Asiwaju, said that the stellar performance and verifiable records of Governor Yahaya Bello in Kogi state as regards Security improvement, Youth Inclusiveness, Educational policies, Fiscal transparency and Breaking walls of Ethnic and Religious differences projects him more as a Nationalist with keys to genuine nationhood. He’s a detribilised leader and a unifier of repute whose commendable strides births the relative peace and coexistence we enjoy in the confluence state today. He will replicate same as a President, that am very sure.
On security, the Honourable commissioner said Governor Yahaya Bello can be best termed as a classic security czar with unusual midas touch. Today, he has positively changed the hitherto despicable and calamitous security situation before his emergence to the second most secured state in the nation. That’s not a mean feat for a state bordered by 10 states, which makes the the state vulnerable to crime and criminalities, but all that has being nipped in the bud by a security counsicoius Governor that places high premium on the security of lives and properties of his people. To further validates his exceptional strides in protecting kogites, multiple awards from reputable organisations such as daily times, leadership news paper and even from the Nigerian police force, had greeted his already filled stand. Just recently, the security personnels openly poured encomioum on GYB for his excellent security dexterity and  capacity. Am confident he will replicate same at the national, not even now, when the nation is in dire need of stability from acute insecurity.
The primitive Marxism ” that youths are the leaders of tomorrow” has been totally upturned by Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello. In kogi state, youths are not only the leaders of today, they formed 70% of his cabinet and political appointments across board. GYB is a transgenerational leader that believes in the urgent need to inject fresh blood and ideals into the system, to solve the myriad of challenges facing the nation. Nigeria needs such a digital, daring, independent and modern minded President like GYB. It’s impossible to solve today’s hi-tech problems with yesterday’s crude method.
Turakin igu of Koto Karfe also emphasised on Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello’s educational strides, especially his bold policies that has seen stated owned university proscribed and exorcised from ASUU, to avoid unecessary delay and calendar distortion due to incessant strikes. While other higher institutions were on strike, in kogi state, our students were in school without any need to wait a minute after the stipulated school calendar. Such a firm, bold and courageous leader is needed to effect the desired change as a nation.
In fiscal transparency assesment, Kogi state leads the pack. In the recently released assesment, Kogi state scored 100 percent in the 2019 annual performance assesment(APA) of states under the Fiscal transparency, accountability and sustainability( SFTAS) programme. SFTAS is a $750million competitive programme of the federal Government through which it rewards states for meeting any or all the indicators. Under the effective and efficient  leadership of Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello through the ministry of Finance, Budget and Economic planning, Kogi state scored 100 percent in all the indicators. These are Nationalist Credentials that unequivocally qualifies GYB as the most suitable presidential material, Asiwaju stated. 
Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris, FCA notes that those who knows Kogi state of yesterday will not deny the rife of ethnic rivalry, chronic tribalism and volatile religious differences that exist in the state, threatening the peace and unity amongst the people. In the present kogi state, it has become a thing of the past through the unrelenting effort of a detribilised leader and Chief unifier who has said it during his aspiration, that “though tongues and language may differ, in brotherhood we stand”. Today, he has utterly broken the walls of religious disharmony and ethnic superiority in the state. Quite obvious in his spread of appointments and the sharing of governments projects and programmes. We need such a leader that will utilise our diversity as a nation to achieve Peace, Unity and Development. GYB will surely replicate same huge and priceless gains that boarders on national unity at the national level.
Without micing words, the points stated above shows clearly Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello is the breath of fresh air the Nigeria state urgently needs. I am confident, he will engender a major paradigm shift that will provide improved security,  bring relative peace and development to the country .
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