If you desire to know a leader cum public office holder who has exceptionally measured up to the mandate of his office, delivering stellar results worthy of loud ovation, Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris, FCA will perfectly comes to mind. He has validated the trust and confidence reposed on him by Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello and kogites as Kogi state Commissioner of Finance, Budget and Economic planning with empirical evidences.
If progressivism is in rare check amongst contemporary politician as a result of their larger than life disposition, unbridled luxurious lifestyle and egoistic display in office, Mukadam Asiwaju Idris  Asiru, FCA is a different breed with unwavering spirit of progressivism that towers all twist and odds that comes with public office and politics. In other words, he’s a Godly politician that drives and plays politics of development solely.
Today, as he marks his birthday, it’s also an auspicious occasion to celebrate his many achievements as an award winning Financial Expert and a leader per excellence whose priority is geared towards the good and advancement of the people.
Since the inception of GYB led New direction government and subsequent appointment of Asiwaju Asiru Idris, FCA to man the Finance and Economic development ministry, there has been a major shift in the fiscal responsibility and transparency of the state. Through his dexterous Financial expertise, Sound Economic knowledge, ingenuity to service and inclusive leadership style, he was able to engender sound Economic reforms that built strong institution and block leakages in the system.
Today, Kogi state tops the list of states in fiscal transparency assesment conducted by the office of the Auditor General of the Federation, supported by JK consult, a reputable auditing firm. Kogi state scored 100 percent in all the indicators, which is aimed at ensuring probity in managing public funds. Further more, Kogi state is the second in the list of states with lowest unemployment statistics as released by NBS- National Bureau of statistics. Just behind kaduna state, the confluence state with her proactive finance and ingenious economic drivers meets up with the stringent requisites of the world bank to qualify for shades of developmental funds. These array of achievements happened with dint of hardwork, commitment to duty and Economic know- how of hands in the ministry as led by Mukadam Asiwaju Asiru Idris, FCA 
As an addendum to validates MAAI’S capacity and competence at the job, I vividly remembered our times together when he would be bombarded with calls from colleague commissioners of Finance from other states, asking for way out, seeking knowledge on economic issues and even asking how he goes about always been at the forefront of getting tasks  done excellently. Unarguably, he’s  an enigma and a goal getter of repute.
As the interim chairman of KGIRS- Kogi state internal revenue services, within a short stint, the narrative has changed in terms of unravelling of shortcomings in the system, reposition for productivity and the resultant effect of exponential increase of IGR in excess of the later months. Without gain saying, Asiwaju is a change maker and result oriented, much why, critical task and responsibilities of committees is placed upon his shoulder by Governor Yahaya Bello. He’s trusted to deliver promptly and excellently. 
At the home front, he’s accessible, humble, humane and highly selfless to fault. His home becomes a mecca of sort, whenever he’s around. Perhaps, it would amount to a repeat of facts, mentioning Asiwaju’s giant strides in service to humanity. For the records , those who benefited from his enterpreneur seed capital are now proud business owners, so also, those who benefited from his educational scholarship to Indigent students across isanlu land are now in higher institutions courtesy of his people centred leadership style. How can I forget the cars, motorcycles, sowing machines and other working tools he gifted to those who actually needs them.  His health intervention programme had saved many life’s and kept hopes alive till today. His community service and labour of love towards the growth of the land is second to none. Payment of school fees and hand outs to numerous number of people daily is needless of mention, because hundreds of account details that besieged his phone daily remain a convincing evidence.
Like I opined in the past, Asiwaju  has closed the wide gap between the government and the govern with his genuine heart of service, selflessness, humility in power and commitment to the collective good of the people.  He has shown the people through responsive leadership, they own the government, because they are the government.
Conspicuously, Asiwaju is a true Democrat and a gentleman of honor with great moral values that is worthy of celebrating.
His impact on the lives of our people and intellectual contributions to various developmental projects and programmes going on in our dear state is highly commendable and will ever make us all wish you more successes and Grace. 
Believing in God’s will and way, that the years ahead, which is soon to come, will launch him to a greater pedestal to provide genuine service and purposeful leadership towards state and nation building.
I vehemently pray that Almighty Allah will continue to bless and guide you to live more frutiful years in sound health and stability of mind to serve humanity better and God mightily. May these new year usher in the fulfilment of your silent prayers. Amin
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