Dear Young people,

Please keep your spirits awake.Anyone who is serious with their destiny must not take spiritual things lightly. Don’t just follow blindly. Check all things. Question all things. You don’t have to do it loudly and rudely. Be open to the guiding of true Holy Spirit, the best Teacher. You’ll get true, real answers, believe me. 
The fact that he/she  touches you and you feel something and fall doesn’t mean you should follow blindly. Honor and serve but you have the RESPONSIBILITY to seek, find and work our your own salvation. There won’t be any excuse at judgement, here and hereafter. It is what you do that you get results for. “Just a touch” won’t erase the consequences of your ignorance.
Everybody l’ó máa carry cross ẹ̀, they just don’t tell you clearly so as to make you “serve GOD” and not “scare” you. But the truth is the truth, àbí? 
Many old people who saw into these things too  late have bad life results and  BITTERNESS to show for it. May we all find mercy and guidance. May our lives not be wasted. 
It would be a wasteful and wasted life to live and form traditions on another person’s confusion. Many of them won’t have the humility to come openly and admit they made mistakes. Some are doing it but many don’t. Seek by yourself. You can be guided and mentored by people but keep your spirit awake.
Many ills have been  happening in the name of “Christianity”. Hatred had been built in the hearts of many over the years in the name of “believer”. Unknown to many, they were taught to put others down in the name of holiness. Churches are full but the essence of our faith has been watered down and glamorized instead. Why is there so much hatred even with the growth of worship centres? 
Please seek the true truth by yourself. When something feels off, don’t disregard it. Wake up from your skumber. Open your eyes. May we not take the wrong path thinking we’re on the true one. May we not live a wasted life. Look around you. Be awake. Stay awake.
There are great and true Men/Women who are true and can guide us out there…
But you owe yourself and the life ahead of YOU. DISCERNMENT. 
Be awake! 
I wish all of us clarity.
Love always.
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