After Jacob Blake shooting, where does Wiscon…

Jacob Blake, the Black man who was shot seven times in the back by Wisconsin police in August, has a message to share from his hospital bed: “Please, I’m telling you, change your lives out there.”

Benjamin Crump, Blake’s attorney, tweeted the video filmed by “Our Lives Matter NYC” on Saturday night, just a day after the 29-year-old made his first public appearance since the shooting.

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“Every 24 hours it’s pain, nothing but pain. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to sleep, it hurts to move from side to side, it hurts to eat,” Blake revealed in the minute-long clip.

His attorney, Patrick Salvi, previously shared with reporters that the bullets left holes in Blake’s stomach, caused damage to his kidney and liver, and required that “nearly his entire colon and small intestine” be removed. 

Source: The Nation

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