Can you imagine?
The World Health Organization has the boldness and audacity to publicly reverse their position on asymptomatic transmission of coronavirus after misinforming the world.
A claim that has wrecked 
the world’s economy, created job loses, killed many sick people, destroyed many businesses.
The results of this claim was the basis for the lockdown, social distancing, wearing of masks and all the so called “precautionary guidelines” against the spread of the virus.
Suddenly they’ve discovered that asymptomatic carriers are not infectious as they originally claimed.
All these happening at the time when there is mass protest in the US defying the social distance rule with almost no further spread or deaths has claimed. They had to come up with a new narrative that supports and justifies the protests and how that it might not cause the further spread of the virus.
Is WHO no more the expert on this pandemic as claimed? So why this sudden turnaround?
When queried on the scientific basis of their claims, many responds by saying “they are the experts” and should be listened to.
What a shame!!
The mainstream media like CNN are very conservative in the way they have projected this new claim by WHO. Why? They have been the tool used to propagate the fear of the virus, the lockdowns, social distancing etc. Now they are still being used to fuel racism in Nations of the world.
If these were to be issues surrounding President Trump, it would have be blown out of proportion. They have become tools used by a powerful political few to control how the mass majority should think and ultimately control the masses.
The so called “Conspiracy theorist” seems to have been right all along.
The WHO should be brought to book for misleading and misinforming the world.
We should not let this go else we submit our lives and that of our children to the control of a political group with the power to buy over organizations to misguide nations. 
The world has been deceived. Nigeria has been deceived.
Since we have been under the “follow follow” syndrome as a nation and have adopted all the false models adopted by the US, can we now unfollow and open up our borders, economy and lives knowing that we have been deceived?
Can we please open our schools, our places of worship, our state borders, businesses and remove all the restrictions we have placed on ourselves influenced by those who seek to control us. Can we please get rid of our face mask and reach out to one another in love.
“Nigeria free yourself, for you have been deceived, now that you know the truth”
1. Be very critical of information received from mainstream media.
2. Do your own research as an educated mind and do not swallow every pill handed over to you by the so called “Experts”
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