Interview with ADC aspirant in the forth coming Edo gubernatorial election Hon. Samson Jackson who live in Germany

Sir can we meet you? 
Yes my name is Hon. Samson Jack Idelegbagbon a. k.a Ebenowenoderu one of Shegen nation, based in Germany and an aspirant seeking to contest for the position of Edo state Governor under the platform of African Democratic Congress.
He spoke to an anonymous on his preparedness for the September gubernatorial election in Edo state.
How prepared are you to win the primary election slated for 25th of June, and the election ?

Well my passion to come and rescue my Edo people from the tyrannical influence of bad leaders begun since 2007. I started preparing to come with my years of training as I I have been taught in Germany.
I am coming with German system, economic  and the social welfare initiative, the better living program that is coming to eliminate the present critical situation and the poverty facing everyone presently there in Edo state,l repeat my agenda and visions is for the whole Edo state indigens worldwide and visitors in our land, and our  neighborhood just same way the Germans authority thought me here, a Son of the soil is coming back home soon to put an end to the present retrogressive politics going on there in Edo state been my place of birth. 
Further more I am coming to enhance public workers welfare to be substantial, youth empowerment is going to be our driven vision with at least 200,000 job creation every year. Our health care system is going to be resuscitated with modern equipment and qualified trained health professional.. In my preparation also  is a stability of electricity 24/7 in every nook and crannies of Edo state and so on…

How about the party you are seeking to contest? What’s their preparation as well?
 Anyways, the party I’m seeking to contest is ADC and I have been in touch with them all this while since I joined the party in the year 2019.
ADC is a party full of liberal and people oriented party.
They are an all inclusive party and I think we shall leverage on this to rescue the good people of Edo state from the misrule of the APC and PDP government. The two political party have failed and disappointed Edo people over the years. So enough is enough!
Does ADC have the structure to take Over ?
I can boldly say yes to that because ADC have built her structures in all the three senatorial district of Edo state; Edo South, Edo central and Edo North respectively. The party is growing with speed of light with the inclusive vision on media and very soon I believe the status quo will definitely change as we take over the seat of government in Edo state.
Mr Jackson London: As I said about the party structures, the party is waxing strong under the leadership of Hon. Inegbedion and his state executives. They are working unrelentingly with there resources and sweat to see the party ADC becomes the ruling party in Edo and in return in Nigeria as a nation. 
So I believe with their meticulous ideology and strategic methodology, my vision and agenda for my Edo people will see the light of the day.

His excellency What would you do differently if you eventually comes out as the consensus candidate of ADC and emerge as Edo state Governor in other words if you are given the mandate??
I have a great unperturbed passion for my Edo people and I’m going to express to all both young and adult what a real democracy is all about. My social welfare as I said earlier is for everyone, monthly allowances to every inhabitants of Edo state, visiting Germany for seminars will be all encompassing in my government, schools, health sector, security, and other sector shall be rewarded with juicy incentives. The old men and women shall be duely been taken care of, I will build a standard refinery in Edo and agricultural sector shall be crowned in my government. 
 How would you have rated PDP administration since 1999 and APC too since 2015?? 
The two sister party have ruined our nation especially my Edo state where I came from. 
They always look for power with violence but they lack the vision and template of managerial skills that can metarmorphorsise Edo and Nigeria to be the giant of Africa and the heart beat of Nigeria in case of Edo state. The two party have disdained the youth, educational sector, security among others. 
In short I will rate them – 0.00001 because they are nothing to write home about. 
APC in Edo has been in loggerhead with each others, what is your chance of winning in this?
 That, I am having a full assurance that its time to get it right for my Edo people. The issue of god fatherism that have crippled our democracy here  in Edo state is enough, and fighting each other with faction is  nothing for me but a means to an end.. We must take over come September 19,2020.
Are you satisfied with the handling and method of curtailing covid 19 by APC led administration in Edo state?? 
The way APC led administration handled covid 19 was extremely poor with a decree that lock the menial people at home and the government refused to care for the people and when the people tries to hustle to have something to eat, the thugs that the APC administration set up begins to harass our people, collecting the little things they would used to cater for their family and sustain themselves. What a cruel government that lack human feeling and have bondage the good people of Edo with their cruelty type of leadership. This is arrant nonsense and excellent rubbish. We must put an end to this nonsense in Edo state.
 What is your word of hope for Edo inhabitants?
My songs and words of hope to everyone here in Edo state is that the Egyptian you see today, you shall see no more. 
German system if government am bringing to Edo state and without gainsays, I promise that I will not collect two  years salary, because I want to fix Edo state between my four years. My people should be rejoicing because the messiah ( Hon. Idelegbagbon) is coming to save my people and to give them better life they deserves.
Edo people deserves the very best and not peanut.
I promise to put smiles on every faces if I come into power.
So, go and get your PVC and vote Hon. Idelegbagbon under the platform of ADC in the forth coming  gubernatorial election. 
Is either me or nobody. ADC arise and shine Edo people.
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