For the 3rd consecutive year. 
One of the objectives of the Yahaya Bello-led administration since inception over four years ago is to ensure accountability and probity in the utilization of public funds for public benefits. 
The governor has maintained this position to the amazement of even his closed allies. 
For accountability and probity sake, Governor Yahaya Bello makes annual publication of the state’s financial records which includes annual budget and budgetary performance including the receipt and utilisation of bailout funds and other finances the state had received under his administration. 
The project States Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability (SFTAS) score points to states that follow strict criteria ranging from uploading state’s financial statements and budgets online including proof of citizens’ participation/input in preparing state budgets.
States that did well in States Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability are usually given a grant by the World Bank. 
The World Bank through the NEWMAP is currently controlling gully erosion in Ogugu and Agasa in Olamaboro and Okene local government areas respectively. 
The two projects cost the World Bank almost N2b. 
For the World Bank intervention fund 2019, states were paid according to their performance on the disbursement link indicators set up by World Bank and Kogi came second after Kebbi State. 
Apparently, the 12 States that missed out on the grant couldn’t meet up with the criteria which is basically open governance.
Meanwhile the World Bank has increased the total amount for participating States to 750 million USD for the 2019 SFTAS Program for Results (PforR) project.
These are the results and the ratings that really matter, not to mention the rewards.
These are the ones the habitual naysayers and dishonest propagandists cannot withstand or gainsay.
To God be the Glory!
#GovYahayaBello #KogiNewDirection #KogiRising #GodBlessKogiState #NextLevelNigeria #Na_GodWin!
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